disaster Eyewitness Taken Out In India (2 Viewers)

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Flatus Tube

I have counted to infinity, twice.
They must have watched something like the Bourne Identity and got all excited.

“Let’s bring the smoke grenade today!”

But then they lob it too far and its poof doesn’t last very long. Probably an air soft version 😂.



silent ghost
it seems like everyone who sits behind the screen watching the camera,dont do shit but let the crime happen. no matter where its at.


Hope Mojo dies
Way too much going on for me in that vid and i've watched it twice. Where did the smoke come from and who's side was that cop/army bloke on?

Flatus Tube

I have counted to infinity, twice.
Way too much going on for me in that vid and i've watched it twice. Where did the smoke come from and who's side was that cop/army bloke on?

The smoke grenade enters at the middle of the right screen and flies over the guys head. I’ve professionally highlighted it for you using the highest tech available (my finger and iPhone). I’ve circled the grenade…
