Smartphone explodes in the taxi🚕📳💥 (1 Viewer)

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the new samsung note jihad edition

Varmint Hunter

I'd go to hell just to shoot the Devil in the face
A delayed incendiary device made to look like a phone, but is filled with extreme flammable fuel ignited by a rheostat (adjustable resistor) that reaches ignition temperature after a set amount of time "charging" would be an ideal way to take out enemies. Sneak into their home or pretend goodwill as a "friend" and plug in your "phone" in a hidden place where a lot of flammable items like clothing, curtains, upholstery is. The rheostat in the device can be set to reach ignition temperature after let's say 5 hours. 5 hours later, the target is happily asleep. The rheostat in the "phone" reaches 500°F and it's payload of gellied petrol, powdered magnesium, and potassium nitrate ignites. Flames engulf the room in seconds, powered by the device that has now turned into a signal flare spewing 3000° sparks and flames. The target wakes up in panic, only to realize that it is too late, all escape routes are engulfed, and they were woken up because the room they are in has already reached 600°F air temperature and is soaring upwards towards full flashover.

Varmint Hunter

I'd go to hell just to shoot the Devil in the face
I refuse to believe a phone exploding can do anywhere near that kinda damage by itself

That was a fuel-air detonation caused by the phone malfunction. Phone batteries are lithium ion or li-po. They release hydrogen when they short circuit or overheat. It was probably charging from a portable battery pack in the rear seat or an extension off the 12v cig port and the battery began to swell and vent extremely flammable hydrogen gas. The car windows were all closed. Hydrogen mixes with the air in the enclosed cabin and a spark from the malfunctioning battery then ignites the mixture. Giant carbide cannon. The driver in the front is lucky to not have been fatally concussed or suffocated by the vacuum that results immediately after the oxygen in the cabin was consumed.
That was a fuel-air detonation caused by the phone malfunction. Phone batteries are lithium ion or li-po. They release hydrogen when they short circuit or overheat. It was probably charging from a portable battery pack in the rear seat or an extension off the 12v cig port and the battery began to swell and vent extremely flammable hydrogen gas. The car windows were all closed. Hydrogen mixes with the air in the enclosed cabin and a spark from the malfunctioning battery then ignites the mixture. Giant carbide cannon. The driver in the front is lucky to not have been fatally concussed or suffocated by the vacuum that results immediately after the oxygen in the cabin was consumed.
That is something I did not know, good to know though I always assumed the biggest threat with phones "exploding" was a fire never would have thought it could turn your car into a bomb

Varmint Hunter

I'd go to hell just to shoot the Devil in the face
That is something I did not know, good to know though I always assumed the biggest threat with phones "exploding" was a fire never would have thought it could turn your car into a bomb

If that phone was charging outdoors or in a large room in a house it would have started hissing and smoking, then just burst into flames. There would be enough air in the area to carry the leaking hydrogen away and dilute it before it reached explosive levels. During the Iraq War there were accounts of Iraqi Army soldiers guarding unrefrigerated morgues filled with decomposing bodies and full of flammable gas from the decomposition and somebody then tries to light up a cigarette. Instant kaboom. Blown to smithereens.

Rick James

Libtard in da house bitches!
That was a fuel-air detonation caused by the phone malfunction. Phone batteries are lithium ion or li-po. They release hydrogen when they short circuit or overheat. It was probably charging from a portable battery pack in the rear seat or an extension off the 12v cig port and the battery began to swell and vent extremely flammable hydrogen gas. The car windows were all closed. Hydrogen mixes with the air in the enclosed cabin and a spark from the malfunctioning battery then ignites the mixture. Giant carbide cannon. The driver in the front is lucky to not have been fatally concussed or suffocated by the vacuum that results immediately after the oxygen in the cabin was consumed.
If I ever end up in the same restaurant as Putin I’ll ask you how to make a bomb out of a salt shaker.

Dr Deacon

Lick the Window of Life
That was a fuel-air detonation caused by the phone malfunction. Phone batteries are lithium ion or li-po. They release hydrogen when they short circuit or overheat. It was probably charging from a portable battery pack in the rear seat or an extension off the 12v cig port and the battery began to swell and vent extremely flammable hydrogen gas. The car windows were all closed. Hydrogen mixes with the air in the enclosed cabin and a spark from the malfunctioning battery then ignites the mixture. Giant carbide cannon. The driver in the front is lucky to not have been fatally concussed or suffocated by the vacuum that results immediately after the oxygen in the cabin was consumed.
I bet his ear drums aren't still intact.