beatings Tighten Those Cheeks (1 Viewer)

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Super Moderator
Super Moderator
Homies gonna need this cushion for a while...


"Hiro" aka: "Dolly"... the homo britfag dicksucker
This is the punishment of faggots.....
The "cartel o' faggidos"....


Of course your opinion matters! - just not to me.
Public shame and a forever video on the internet always serves as a good deterrent to those who may be thinking about committing the same offense.


Forum Veteran
Hereโ€™s what you have to do my gay friend. On a daily basis, have someone crack your ass with a board to build up calluses. They when the real thing takes place all you need to do is pretend to cry.


Forum Veteran
Those noises he makes ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜…
Plus, I've NEVER seen an ass turn a blue/purple so quickly b4. Hahaha

Ward Cleaver

Resident Expert
That fella needs to carve away some of the wood on that board where he's holding it, until he has a handle that he can grip...sort of like one of those cricket bats in the UK.

Then he'll be able to generate power from his legs, hips, and shoulders into those swings and administer some righteous ass-whippings.
