accident Worker buried alive (2 Viewers)

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silent ghost
🤣 yeah especially since the Mafia built most of Montreal and the surrounding area and it's now crumbling 🤣
mafia didnt build it. they were the finances of it. owned/ran the company. people like you and i built it.
how long has the tunnel been up? shit like that cant last forever ya know.


Forum Veteran
No civil engineering expert, but I think that siding is just too steep, should either be further back or more of an angle - just a guess...


Forum Veteran
mafia didnt build it. they were the finances of it. owned/ran the company. people like you and i built it.
how long has the tunnel been up? shit like that cant last forever ya know.
That's what l meant when l said they "built" it. They rigged the fuck out of the process.

I'm not sure exactly how long, but at least since the mid-1970's.


think every time you travel under a tunnel you could be buried alive
In Hamburg, there's still the 500-meter-long old Elbtunnel under the river Elbe for pedestrians in use, right at the big harbor. You can hear the humming of big ships driving above your head; yes, I found it a bit spooky.
In the old times around 50 years ago, they used the tunnel for cars as well.
