accident Chink crossing the street (2 Viewers)

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The anarchist

Forum Veteran
Pedestrians have the right of way on the crosswalks but with so many people glued to their cell phones these days it's easy to overlook them. I agree with you. I would look both ways even with the crosswalk and then run when it's clear....
You are 100% correctπŸ™‚ they do have the right of way. I'm guessing its the same in China πŸ€” we see so many videos of chinks getting run over, maybe because there's such a large population in chinkland. Plus with him wearing a black coat at night doesn't help πŸ˜†πŸ˜‰


Well Known Member
In Spain I thought pedestrian crossings were the same as in the UK as in the motorist has to stop. I found out the hard way that they do not. Why fucking waste good white paint then by trying to fool people into thinking they are kinda safe?

Grand Mal Caesar

Pedestrians have the right of way on the crosswalks but with so many people glued to their cell phones these days it's easy to overlook them. I agree with you. I would look both ways even with the crosswalk and then run when it's clear....

You are 100% correctπŸ™‚ they do have the right of way. I'm guessing its the same in China πŸ€” we see so many videos of chinks getting run over, maybe because there's such a large population in chinkland. Plus with him wearing a black coat at night doesn't help πŸ˜†πŸ˜‰
"Right of way" is not guaranteed and does not replace common sense. If you get hit by a car while crossing the street it is entirely you're own fault.

Stormy Llewellyn

Forum Veteran
"Right of way" is not guaranteed and does not replace common sense. If you get hit by a car while crossing the street it is entirely you're own fault.
I remember going across the crosswalk at Walmart once. I was going through and when I looked in my rear view window I saw a mom and daughter crossing and I could tell by body language the mom was mad. I raised my hand in the universal sign of: I'm sorry. I saw her mocking me, flapping her hand all around. That made me kinda angry... This is how road rage shit gets started...