bizarre Sativa Virgin (2 Viewers)

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Al Upinya

Pronoun Destroyer
I used to lol until my sides went into orbit and my face muscles agonized from lol'ing. My last experience had me hunched over into my knees, head down and arms wrapped around around myself feeling as though my entire existence was rolling forward at a generous pace. Literally like I was inside a tire rolling forward and I was just sitting there not doing anything for a few minutes.

I’m feeling funny:bong::ko:
And the way he rips a fat bong hit for a noob is sometimes the very best LOL


"Hiro" aka: "Dolly"... the homo britfag dicksucker
I love weed.... it's natural relaxation properties are excellent.... but whatever the fuck these nig--gers are smoking, they can keep...
Toss that jungle weed in the trash and get some pungent indica..
I love weed.... it's natural relaxation properties are excellent.... but whatever the fuck these nig--gers are smoking, they can keep...
Toss that jungle weed in the trash and get some pungent indica..
I'm amazed your retarded ass still hasn't learned how to turn the profanity filter off so you can use your precious "n" word. Typical from a retarded internet "tough guy" that eats other dudes feces.