disaster His Nuggets Too Spicy (2 Viewers)

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Reject conformity, embrace cringe.
Hope the twat gets time for it. That was out of order. I never take the piss out of fast food workers. Everybody needs a job.
It's always weird to me that people humiliate workers that they need. My favourite example are trash disposal workers. Have you ever seen a city during their strike? Nasty view just in a few days. The same with fast food workers. Got cravings in the middle of night? Don't want to cook and restaurants are too expensive/ too fancy for the occasion? You better be glad that not everyone becomes CEO or an officer.

All this guy has accomplished is showing he's insecure about his tiny peepee and needs months of therapy.


Hypocrisy is the homage vice pays to virtue
It's always weird to me that people humiliate workers that they need. My favourite example are trash disposal workers. Have you ever seen a city during their strike? Nasty view just in a few days. The same with fast food workers. Got cravings in the middle of night? Don't want to cook and restaurants are too expensive/ too fancy for the occasion? You better be glad that not everyone becomes CEO or an officer.

All this guy has accomplished is showing he's insecure about his tiny peepee and needs months of therapy.
To me, one of the most honorable jobs out there for sure (for the ones who actually care). It's harder, by far than being a cop or a nurse. To put on that uniform, day in and out, knowing you'll be treated like a complete idiot fuck by most of your customers and even the ones that are nice to you do it in a saccharine way. I think it should be REQUIRED in highschool that all students , be it Harvard bound or whatever, must work a year in the service field before going out to the world. That would create genuine humans better than any degree


Well Known Member


Reject conformity, embrace cringe.
I think it should be REQUIRED in highschool that all students , be it Harvard bound or whatever, must work a year in the service field before going out to the world.
YES. I've been saying the same thing for years. It would do more good for society than military training, at least in our daily life. Your outdated training is almost worthless after decades of fast military progress and your cozy civilian life, but you won't forget how you've been treated during the customer service "experience".



"Addison faces minor charges related to the Burger King incident. According to records available from the Butler County Court of Common Pleas, the charges include:
Criminal mischief
Disorderly conduct