
  1. Punisher_1

    Guns Glock is Dead Long live the Glock

  2. Punisher_1

    Crime Hoodrats removed by speeder

    Hoodrats became hood-ornaments by a guy that accelerated and gave zero fucks
  3. Punisher_1

    Crime The usual suspects try a robbery

    Hoodrats try an old technique of sending in a spotter or shill to check out the place and even block the door. Good thing the old man got a gun.
  4. Punisher_1

    Guns Hoodrats with full auto Glocks

    I cant get one but here is a pack of hoodrats armed with full auto glocks with extended magazines and they might be 17 years old at best.
  5. Punisher_1

    Guns Asian bros drop hoodrat

    No story but homie might be Swiss cheese
  6. Punisher_1

    Guns The usual suspects have a gas station shoot out.

    No further details but im at a loss of what exactly went on here as it appears a drive by out of frame shot at everyone at the pumps.
  7. Punisher_1

    Crime Homie plays "hood games" and gets new holes

    Homie talks shit and then digs in his pocket for a weapon and gets a few rounds yeeted at him outcome unknown at this time. This is how society solves the hoodrat infestation allowing only decent people to continue humanity and removing the trash from the gene pool
  8. Punisher_1

    The usual Suspects loot a McDonalds

    Komiefornia, Los Angeles
  9. Punisher_1

    Grad e ation day typical suspects mayhem

  10. Punisher_1

    7-11 fight The end part is the best

  11. Punisher_1

    Just some kids having fun

    Hoodrats in Chiraq unload on someone with automatic weapons. This is used as an example for Dems to push gun laws or kill the 2nd Amendment. We need to start putting faces and races on crimes to show who really is the problem here and where.