
  1. Lord Gutsy

    accident Chink Showing Off Her Skating Skills

    China - ouch
  2. Monkman777

    disaster Idiot Falls From Building

  3. Monkman777

    accident Female Injured In Accident

  4. Monkman777

    accident Both Their Knees Are Torned

  5. Lord Gutsy

    animals Injured by bull

  6. Bethy 🔥

    accident Biker Crashed 😎

  7. Monkman777

    accident Motorcycle Passenger Injured

  8. Monkman777

    accident Wall Collapsed Resulting In Injury

  9. JayMD

    Warning:Children Teen gets his spine snapped in a fight in a school bathroom

  10. Lord Gutsy

    accident Showing off the bike skills

  11. Lord Gutsy

    accident Chica got injured

  12. Bethy 🔥

    accident Biker Left Injured

  13. Bethy 🔥

    Warning:Children Young Girl Hit By Car

    The girl, 11, was hospitalized with fractures to her leg and facial bones, requiring immediate medical attention.
  14. Sweet Death

    accident Bike Stunt Goes Horribly Wrong

  15. Lord Gutsy

    accident Cool Crash

    At approximately 2:45 p.m. today (March 17, 2024), Sawang Prathip Sriracha Rescue Chonburi Province Received a report of a pickup truck colliding with a sedan. There were several injuries. At the red light intersection of Laem Chabang Waterworks, Thung Sukha Subdistrict, Si Racha District...
  16. Monkman777

    Warning:Children Mother And Child Injured In Accident

  17. Lord Gutsy

    accident Several injured in crash

  18. Lord Gutsy

    accident Leg press

  19. Lord Gutsy

    accident Look out for the tree

    Vietnam (January 13, 2024) The moment when a branch of an ancient banyan tree crushed a pedestrian.
  20. Lord Gutsy

    accident Ouch that's gotta hurt

  21. Bethy 🔥

    animals Bullrider Gets Fucked Up

  22. Bethy 🔥

    accident Biker Injured In Crash

  23. Mr-Smokey

    accident Youtubers 50 cal explodes survived

    Magic happens at 4 mins
  24. 45cal1911

    Skater: "Call the police dog!!"

  25. Monkman777

    disaster He Had Quite A Ride

  26. Sweet Death

    animals ~Mexico - Bullfighter Seriously Injured By Bull~

    🐂 Mexico - Bullfighter Seriously Injured By Bull Mexican bullfighter who was cruelly trampled is in serious condition in hospital.
  27. Sweet Death

    accident ~Goa hotel owner killed, 2 staff injured as tourist’s SUV runs into reception~

  28. Sweet Death

    disaster ~There Are 15 People Injured By The Rockfall In The Peñol Stone~

    Immediate evacuation order. They closed one of the most touristy places in Antioquia.
  29. Lord Gutsy

    accident Riders collide

  30. Sweet Death

    accident ~Russia: Drunk Driver Veers Into Wrong Lane~

    :beer: Drunk driver crashes
  31. Sweet Death

    accident ~Off-road Vehicle Driver Loses Control & Runs Over Several People~

    :facepalm: Several people were run over yesterday afternoon in a race of off-road vehicles during the celebration of the thirty-third anniversary of the Agua Dulce & Mud Bog Festival in the municipality of Ciales, the press spokesman of that municipality, Josian Vázquez Díaz, confirmed to El...
  32. Sweet Death

    Warning:Children ~Old Man Driver Plows Through Kids In A Crosswalk~

    :facepalm: In Khakassia, a pensioner knocked down children crossing, accompanied by an adult, who was talking on the phone. The footage shows how the car in the far right lane slowed down. At this moment, five children start moving on an uncontrolled pedestrian crossing across the road. The...
  33. Monkman777

    disaster Don't Think Water Gonna Help Him

    Guy falls from 2nd story building going into convulsion...
  34. Sweet Death

    Warning:Children ~Kid Hit Hard By Car~

    :brainhurts: China of course...
  35. Sweet Death

    accident *Child Warning*~Russia - 9yo In Critical Condition After Go-Kart Crash~

    :facepalm: "In St. Petersburg karting, a 9-year-old boy lost control and crashed into a fence The incident took place in a club on Energetikov Avenue. The child is in critical condition in intensive care. The prosecutor's office checks compliance with the requirements of the legislation on...
  36. Sweet Death

    bizarre ~Man Randomly Throws Grenade In Bar~

  37. Sweet Death

    accident *Child Warning* ~Carousel Collapse In Russia's Orenburg Leaving 20 People Injured~
  38. Sweet Death

    accident ~Tyre Explodes On Worker~

    Brazil 💥 💀
  39. Sweet Death

    accident ~Enjoying The Ride~
  40. Sweet Death

    disaster *Child Warning*~Bonfire Turns Into Life-Threatening Deadly Explosion~

    Tarentum | abusive bonfire for St. Joseph | explosion Eighteen injured | children involved Newborn in serious condition Drums | also a shooting Paul VI | after the bonfire the barrels | some firecrackers hit people Taranto: illegal bonfire for San Giuseppe, explosion. Eighteen injured, children...
  41. Sgt.Stupid

    accident Warning Children : POWER KICK

    Firecrackers in pocket or something 🧨
  42. Sweet Death

    accident ~Man Loses Fingers After Firecracker Explosion~

    Colombia~ Don't Know WTF they were trying to do....:shrug:
  43. Monkman777

    disaster Remember To Anchor Your Patient Down

  44. Sweet Death

    accident ~*Warning* Cop Runs Over Child, Looks At Him & Leaves~

    :facepalm: Russia ~ "In the Novosibirsk region, a deputy ran over a child, in his car, shrugged his shoulders, and left. Behind the wheel was a member of the council of deputies of the Tatar region S.M.. The child survived and is now in intensive care with a traumatic brain injury and a...
  45. Ivan Drago

    Warning:Children Iraq War Wounded And Dead 2 (Some Images Are Of Children)

    Dead and critically injured Iraqi civilians are seen lying in the street on September 12, 2004 in Haifa Street, Baghdad, Iraq. Fighting broke out in the early hours of September 12, 2004 as explosions shook the centre of Baghdad with U.S. helicopters opening fire at targets in the area and a...
  46. Sweet Death

    accident ~Stupid Bitch Runs Over Worker In The Street~

    China.. At 1:00 p.m. on the 3rd, a horror accident occurred on Xinpu Sixth Street, Taoyuan City! A worker was sitting next to the hole cover to work. Unexpectedly, the white Mercedes parked at the back suddenly started from the side of the road and rammed straight into the worker. After the...
  47. Ivan Drago

    War Iraq War Wounded And Dead (Some Images Are Of Children)

    An Iraqi boy walks past a blood stained rainwater puddle the day after a suicide bomber blew him self up as mourners flocked into a hall next to the Sadreen mosque, where a service was being held for Hisham al-Araji, the Mosul representative for radical Shiite leader Moqtada Sadr, in the...
  48. Red-Footed Booby

    bizarre Store Worker Defends Store From 3 Robbers

    Happened in São Mateus Brazil. Article. Unknown if any of the robbers died, I could not find an appropriate prefix for the video and couldn’t upload without some sort of prefix attached.
  49. Monkman777

    accident Explosive Work

  50. Sweet Death

    accident ~Jumping Over A Moving Taxi~

    :facepalm: Ghana ~