
  1. toxicologist

    Funny Jew couldn’t take a joke

  2. toxicologist

    Funny Retarded joke

  3. Bethy 🔥

    Funny Kiddo’s Joke Leaves Reporter Speechless

  4. Ginjabread man

    Funny It’ll be a joke if Superman gets woke

  5. Nobbler

    fights It was just a joke man.

  6. Blood_Sport

    Warning:Children Motorcycle Girl ( funny )

  7. mrln

    biden stealing money from military veterans

    trump this. trump that. trumptrumptrumptrumptrump.... blahblahblahblahblahblah! well. this ass clown is no fucking better. so all you trump haters and biden lovers,the corruption is both ways. hunter biden AGAIN,being charged. sooooo...
  8. MysteryTraveler

    animals Chimp Joke

    A Thanksgiving giggle for my GG friends and enemas.
  9. Donkeyd

    bizarre She said what!?

  10. Donkeyd


    Normally I can't stand this shit but it did make me chortle
  11. Donkeyd

    Funny Kids got first class humour

  12. Donkeyd

    Funny Grimm Porn

  13. Donkeyd

    Funny The disrespect she's shown this guy is disgusting

    He said 'and you can keep your herpes too'
  14. ZeroK

    bizarre Would This Scare You

    Not Me