
  1. Belfast147

    beatings Irish Justice

    Bita Irish Justice Served
  2. Lord Gutsy

    Crime Robbers got caught

  3. Christopher Hitchens

    War Defense secretary abruptly revokes plea deal with alleged 9/11 mastermind KSM

    BTW this I one thing I really hate about the Bush administration is his torture tactics used in fear, makes this a legal clusterfuck as we are seeing. But anyway you aren’t here for my opinion you are here for the story… Full article: CNN — Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin abruptly revoked a...

    beatings Thief gets an ass whooping

  5. Lord Gutsy

    bizarre Thief almost made it across

  6. Monkman777

    beatings Another Thief Getting Beat

  7. Monkman777

    beatings Beaten For Flogging His Wife

  8. Sweet Death

    Crime ~ Woman Is Murdered in Governor Archer; victim leaves a son ~

    September 7 Holiday Tragedy: Woman Is Murdered in Governor Archer; victim leaves a son of 01 year and 08 months The holiday of the Independence of Brazil, celebrated on September 7, was marked by a tragedy in the quiet town of Governador Archer, located 326 kilometers from the capital São Luís...
  9. Axios

    beatings What happens when you try to rob a church

  10. vaga

    beatings Favela justice - him vs her

    Couple caught stealing. He should have worn a wig and called himself Doris.
  11. DeathfromAbove101

    Police Police kill pedophile threatening to kill wife

    The police were called to the residents initially after the 7 year old told a teacher about the sexual abuse that was done to her by the stepfather, said teacher then got law enforcement involved. First contact they had with police didn't have a lot happen after they had left, the pedophile who...
  12. Sweet Death

    beatings ~He Tried To Rape Her And Got Caught By Mob~

    :tampon: POS got a well deserved beatdown...
  13. Sweet Death

    bizarre ~Punishment For Robbing Old Lady~
