mental illness

  1. BlastOne

    bizarre Black guy taking shit on the L train šŸ¤£šŸ¤£

  2. Monkman777

    Funny UK...You Have A New Police Officer

  3. mystery_man

    Peru officially categorizes transgender people as mentally ill
  4. Monkman777

    bizarre Crazy Black Guy On Train Track

  5. Monkman777

    bizarre Jump In Lake For $20
  6. Monkman777

    bizarre She Identifies As A Cat Or Vampire

  7. Monkman777

    bizarre It's Thinks It's A Genderless Dragon

  8. Spl1nt3r

    murder multiple randoms stabbed in gold coast shopping centre knife attack at least 4 fatalaties and a baby stabbed...

    went down like hours ago all the good videos seem to be held by the news channels... anyone got the shooting video or one of the 2 stabbing videos?
  9. ZeroK

    Funny Stephanie The Lawyer

  10. Monkman777

    bizarre Mental Guy Cleans Every Nook And Cranny

  11. RebelFX

    bizarre Just Some Batshit Crazy People

    Drugs? Mental illness? A healthy combination of both? I didn't make this. I would not include the guy playing air guitar.... I totally get it dude.
  12. ZeroK

    bizarre Schizophrenia In Action

  13. ZeroK

    bizarre From WWF TO TRANS

  14. ZeroK

    bizarre Trans MMA Fighter
