
  1. Ares_rose1991

    Police Guy bites off another man's finger and eats it.

    Oklahoma City Police have released body cam footage after part of a man’s finger was bitten off at a metro area gas station. The video shows police arresting a suspect, identified by OKCPD as Manuel Lopez, who reportedly bit a man’s finger off during a fight at a gas station on W Reno Ave last...
  2. Bethy 🔥

    fights You Cant Make This Shit Up FFS

    Oklahoma City Police arrested an Embark passenger for attacking a bus driver while he was driving this past weekend, which sent the bus directly into the side of a building. The passenger was trying to get the bus to stop at a railroad track.
  3. -ToGGaF-

    Serial killer Oklahoma City Butcher

    Between 1976 and 1986 an assailant known as the Oklahoma City Butcher murdered up to 3 women in the area. His victims were young homeless Native Americans who were believed to be sex workers due to the locations their remains were discovered. All women were mutilated, dismembered, and missing...
  4. Sweet Death

    Police ~Body Cam Footage Of Man Hiding Under Bed & Ambushing Police~

    :facepalm: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma The incident that resulted in the death of Timothy Johnson, whom police say was wanted on an out-of-state felony warrant, happened on Nov. 15 in a rural area. Officers in the state’s capital were called to a travel trailer after being told Johnson had been...