
  1. PurrGirl

    Crime The Alaskan Avenger

    Jason Vukovich, aka The Alaskan Avenger, did what a lot of people fantasize about: He beat the shit out of some pedophiles. For that, he received a 23 year prison sentence--almost four times the length of the sentences of his three "victims" combined. I found this interview of him to be...
  2. toxicologist

    Funny Played the Looooong game 😈

  3. Monkman777

    disaster Contractor Never Got Paid

    Taking his work down...
  4. ZeroK

    Funny Chucking A Cup Of Urine

  5. Ginjabread man

    animals (Animal Warning) falcons parents get revenge

  6. Ginjabread man

    bizarre Sweet revenge

  7. Nobbler

    fights JCB road rage.

  8. Nobbler

    bizarre Smashed The Wrong Persons Window.

  9. ZeroK

    bizarre Showering 🚿🚿

  10. ZeroK

    beatings The Water Hose Treatment

  11. ZeroK

    bizarre Car Thief Assaulted Grandfather

  12. Donkeyd

    Crime Victim of robbery offers $200k for return of HDD and a beating

  13. ZeroK

    beatings Child Abuser. Guess What's In The Bottle

  14. ZeroK

    bizarre Punishing A Thief

  15. Donkeyd

    bizarre Someone actually gave birth to this felony.

  16. ZeroK

    beatings Crowd Takes Out Robber

  17. Red-Footed Booby

    beatings Pedophile gets beat by family of 6 year old who was molested.

    Happened in Manaos, Brazil.
  18. Red-Footed Booby

    Men turn Burglar into piñata.

  19. punkduck

    fights Gay guy beats sisters bf for beating her. Class.⭐ ⭐ ⭐

    Guy knows how to fight. The loser really wanted to get back but went tits up for him a second time 😂 Kudos to our gay hero here 😂