
  1. Ginjabread man

    fights Skinheads get to see Tajik & his friend know ufc

  2. ZeroK

    Funny Fight After The Fight

    Tall Black (TB) Accidentally Eye Poked Short Black(SB) During The Fight Causing SB To Say He Was Unable To Continue. TB Called SB A Pussy Saying He Was Looking For A Way Out
  3. RebelFX

    fights 2 Kickboxers 0 Arms Best MMA Fight EVER - Had Me Rolling

    Puttin the "I can kick your ass with both hands tied behind my back" to the test
  4. D.O.A.

    Funny Old man Volk defends his UFC title tomorrow

  5. D.O.A.

    Funny UFC champ Sean Strickland tells Canadian journalist to go fuck himself

  6. D.O.A.

    Funny If you work hard in training, the fight is easy
