
  1. WatchingDemise

    Warning:Children Little Grandma got very disappointed 😕

  2. Monkman777

    fights Brawling Over Walmart Black Friday Toaster

  3. Monkman777

    fights Welcome To "Brawlmart"

  4. lovestruck

    animals She ape can't count change

    And these are the animals they want to have rule over us.
  5. Bethy 🔥

    Funny Black Woman Screams, Walmart Is Racist

  6. Gore.Love

    bizarre She is so PISSED

    But she's got cute boots thou 😘
  7. DeathHand

    Walmart Bad Kid

    Kid has her own way in a Walmart while her grandmother (in beige and gets kicked), nor others, can do anything to stop her. The woman with the cellphone is loud but have to turn up the volume to hear what the kid is saying, lol, she's got a mouth on her... Vid:
  8. Punisher_1

    This is the 347th video of blacks at Walmart just this year

    Seems to be consistent we so many of one race doing so many crimes or acts of violence or general insanity. While we see mostly whites doing gay insane shit. This needs to stop.
  9. cacarara74874

    Funny He just wanted his money but white people be racist

    At this point of you dont hate these people what the hell is wrong with you?
  10. Donkeyd

    Funny Walmart employee let's the store know...

    She's quitting and what she thinks of everyone
  11. Jessica Fletcher.🔎

    Walmart manager lost it.

  12. ZeroK

    fights Before U Watch This Video Try To Predict Who's Fighting And Where

  13. L

    "Call 911! Call 911!" lol

  14. Bill Murray

    bizarre Brandy-Joe from Florida is tased in a Walmart - peak white trash has been achieved

    It really doesn't get much more white trash than this: -perps name is Brandy-Joe ✔️ -faceoff with the cops took place in a Florida Walmart ✔️ -Brandy-Joe had recently consumed a goodly amount of crank ✔️ -Brandy-Joe was wearing an outfit a couple sizes too small which highlighted her gunt ✔️...
  15. Bethy 🔥

    bizarre Only At Walmart 🤣
