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This hunt, orchestrated over decades, allows a series of verifications: did these witnesses leave written testimonies? Do they keep photographs? Do they have proof of certain facts?
We clean up.

Salomon Morel, director of the Zgoda camp (PL), the worst war criminal and criminal against humanity to be prosecuted, died peacefully in his bed in Tel Aviv at the age of 87. Israel refused to extradite him...

But what will they find when there's no longer a scapegoat? Perhaps it will be necessary to reopen the case to fill in the gaps left by the Nuremberg Tribunal, and to analyze the false testimony with the help of science?

You've been brainwashed

Some people are intelligent enough to understand that there are two very common phenomena that apply to almost everything: habituation and indigestion. Exposure to a stimulus eventually leads to desensitization, or boredom and disgust. What's more, as far as this specific subject is concerned, there's another phenomenon that comes on top of the other two: suspicion. Indeed, the hype has become so intense that it's taken on grotesque proportions, and people are beginning to ask questions and understand certain things.

Shut up, you pantless whore, and let the grown-ups do the talking.

"A still?"


What could she of done, told the Nazis to stop, they would of killed her.
Imagine yourself in her place.
Persecuting a 97 year old woman,
Forgive & move on
She could have given her position up at any point and time and still chose not to i say let her burn