A Japanese student studying in China was stabbed by a civilian who believed in communism, (1 Viewer)

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China's Jiangsu Province has an economic strength equivalent to that of Texas in the United States, and Jiangsu Province thrives on business. It is one of the most open and tolerant provinces in China, but now tolerance has become history.

On June 30, 2024, a bad incident occurred in Suzhou, the most prosperous city in Jiangsu Province.

There is a Japanese school in the local area, which has both Japanese and Chinese students. There is a Chinese civilian who is a communist. He believes that the misfortune in his life is caused by the secret manipulation of the Americans and the Japanese. It just so happens that he Unemployed, with no money to eat or rent a house, he lost his mind because of prejudice and the misfortune of life. He deliberately stood in front of the school and waited for the school bus to leave with the primary school students. He rushed up and tried to kill the primary school students on the bus, including some primary school students. The steward on the car, a Chinese woman, was stabbed. She tried to stop the man but failed and she died.

After the incident, the armed police arrived at the scene, but it was already too late. Surprisingly, the man continued to insult the Japanese and Americans after being controlled by the police. He firmly believed that his misfortune was caused by foreign capitalists.

This is another incident after four American teachers were stabbed in China. This is not accidental, but inevitable. The Communist Party controls China’s resources. They squeeze the Chinese people and use TV, mobile phones, short videos, newspapers and rumors to , saying that the responsibility lies with the United States and Japan. The Communist Party told civilians that it was the Japanese and Americans who were causing destruction in China, so the Chinese people's lives were very difficult. They also said that without themselves (the Communist Party), China would be even worse.

When the country's situation is relatively stable, this kind of propaganda method can indeed divert internal conflicts. When the country's situation is bad and the rulers gradually lose control of the country, the side effects of this kind of propaganda will appear. They had the same side effects before. , but because the country was still stable at that time, they were suppressed and buried.

The dead Chinese woman, her surname was Hu, was undoubtedly a hero. She sacrificed her life to protect Japanese students. However, the latest evidence shows that she may have been killed by the Communist Party.

Witnesses said that Hu's injuries were not serious at the time. When she arrived at the hospital, she was controlled by the Communist Party. After consideration, the Communist Party decided to kill her and blame the original man.

If a good person like Hu gains popularity, then a large number of people will follow her in bad China. In the eyes of the Communist Party, she will become an uncontrollable factor. She may undermine the rule of the Communist Party, so the Communist Party chooses to kill her.
Just like Hitler needs fanatical executioners, if there is a wise person in his army, the wise person has reputation and followers because of her good deeds, then she may cause people to wake up, so she will die immediately.

This incident has become an international incident, but the Communist Party insists on confidentiality measures. This incident can no longer be searched on the Chinese Internet, only official announcements that are not clear enough.

There is a Twitter link below with a video of the incident and more information.

Moreover, this Twitter user is one of the Chinese opposition leaders in exile. He often updates some real news about China. If you need a channel to get real news about China, then please follow him.
If you use the Chrome browser to log in to Twitter, you can translate his tweets
