Four American professors came to China and were deliberately stabbed by government agents (1 Viewer)

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Fresh Meat
Can you link me something that proves that because i googled “china unrest” and all i could find was workers are striking because the economy is crappy. People are getting laid off and factories are closing. Please send me something that shows what you are saying is true cuz that sounds very serious.
Please see my previous comment in the comment area


From the Land Down Under 🇦🇺

Eric Blair

Drop acid, and then bombs. ✌️+❤️=🤯
I jus

Follow the Twitter user at the link, he is one of the leaders of the anti-communist movement and he will be constantly updated with real news from China.

If you use Chrome browser, then you can translate his article.

The war in China mentioned earlier does not refer to large-scale modern war, but to the infiltration and sabotage operations carried out by resistance organizations in China, such as the use of bombs to attack valuable areas such as Chinese buildings and governments. This user said before April this year The tweets published a large number of explosions, as well as incidents of unidentified people stabbing people.

If suddenly there are many explosions, in government buildings, police headquarters, parking lots, hospitals, government guest houses, it is obviously an organized attack. It is a pity that the government cannot tolerate the disclosure of such information, and we can only pay attention to the opposition leaders for information.

A war broke out in China. It was not a large-scale war, but its impact was no less than that of a large-scale war.

If you look at the other person’s tweets from before April, you’ll understand

I just followed the person on twitter, that’s pretty crazy and it’s kept pretty tight here because I am not seeing anything about that.