A 'new star' could appear in the sky any night now. Here's how to see the Blaze Star ignite. (1 Viewer)

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Cold Ethyl

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The "Blaze Star" T Coronae Borealis will erupt with a magnificent explosion sometime between now and September, becoming visible to the naked eye. Here's how to find it when it does.

A dim star in the night sky 3,000 light-years from our solar system could soon become visible to the naked eye for the first time since 1946 — and you can easily find it in the night sky.

The "Blaze Star" — officially called T Coronae Borealis (T CrB) — is expected to brighten significantly between now and September 2024 from magnitude +10 (beyond naked-eye visibility) to magnitude +2, according to NASA. That's about the same brightness as Polaris, the North Star, the 48th-brightest star in the night sky. (In astronomy, the brighter an object is, the lower its magnitude; the full moon's magnitude is -12.6, for example).

The Blaze Star can be found in the constellation Corona Borealis, the "Northern Crown," between the constellations of Boötes and Hercules. The easiest way of finding Corona Borealis is by first locating some of the brightest stars in the summer night sky.

The Blaze Star is a rare example of a recurrent nova, which means "new star" in Latin. It's a binary star system with a cool, red giant star and a smaller, hotter white dwarf star orbiting each other. Every 80 years, the red giant propels matter onto the surface of the white dwarf, causing an explosion. Other stars do something similar, but not on such a short timescale.

Astronomers think the Blaze Star is on the cusp of exploding again because it's following the same pattern as the last two explosions in 1866 and 1946. Ten years before both explosions, it got somewhat brighter, then finally dimmed again just before the big blast. That's precisely what's been happening, with the star growing brighter since 2015, followed by a visible dimming in March 2023. This familiar pattern suggests that another explosion is imminent.



if that happens it would take 3000 years to be seen, and if it has already happened how do you know it?

Eric Blair

Drop acid, and then bombs. ✌️+❤️=🤯
The "Blaze Star" T Coronae Borealis will erupt with a magnificent explosion sometime between now and September, becoming visible to the naked eye. Here's how to find it when it does.

A dim star in the night sky 3,000 light-years from our solar system could soon become visible to the naked eye for the first time since 1946 — and you can easily find it in the night sky.

The "Blaze Star" — officially called T Coronae Borealis (T CrB) — is expected to brighten significantly between now and September 2024 from magnitude +10 (beyond naked-eye visibility) to magnitude +2, according to NASA. That's about the same brightness as Polaris, the North Star, the 48th-brightest star in the night sky. (In astronomy, the brighter an object is, the lower its magnitude; the full moon's magnitude is -12.6, for example).

The Blaze Star can be found in the constellation Corona Borealis, the "Northern Crown," between the constellations of Boötes and Hercules. The easiest way of finding Corona Borealis is by first locating some of the brightest stars in the summer night sky.

The Blaze Star is a rare example of a recurrent nova, which means "new star" in Latin. It's a binary star system with a cool, red giant star and a smaller, hotter white dwarf star orbiting each other. Every 80 years, the red giant propels matter onto the surface of the white dwarf, causing an explosion. Other stars do something similar, but not on such a short timescale.

Astronomers think the Blaze Star is on the cusp of exploding again because it's following the same pattern as the last two explosions in 1866 and 1946. Ten years before both explosions, it got somewhat brighter, then finally dimmed again just before the big blast. That's precisely what's been happening, with the star growing brighter since 2015, followed by a visible dimming in March 2023. This familiar pattern suggests that another explosion is imminent.

What are some of the brightest stars in the summer sky though so i can take a look?

I ❤️ Astronomy and Astrophysics!
Me tooooooooooo🔭

Cold Ethyl

Super Moderator
Super Moderator
What are some of the brightest stars in the summer sky though so i can take a look?

Me tooooooooooo🔭
There a paragraph in the article that a stupid dead video was covering on my phone that gave locations and I couldn't c&p it. Click the link see if it works right on your end

Eric Blair

Drop acid, and then bombs. ✌️+❤️=🤯
There a paragraph in the article that a stupid dead video was covering on my phone that gave locations and I couldn't c&p it. Click the link see if it works right on your end
Ok here:
“The Blaze Star can be found in the constellation Corona Borealis, the "Northern Crown," between the constellations of Boötes and Hercules. The easiest way of finding Corona Borealis is by first locating some of the brightest stars in the summer night sky.
famous "arc to Arcturus" star-hop. Rising in the east-northeast will be Vega. Now look between Arcturus and Vega (slightly closer to Arcturus) for a faint curl of seven stars — Corona Borealis. It will be high overhead after dark. Though you won’t be able to see the Blaze Star yet, it should become clearly visible before summer’s end.”
Star map: