Another biochemical crisis broke out in China (1 Viewer)

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Fresh Meat
A hellish life in China

There are more than one billion people in China, which always leads to the emergence of new mutated viruses, and Chinese people are always crowded in small spaces. Many people may have been infected with pneumonia many times by the time they feel sick. .
The inevitable biochemical crisis continues to spread in China. The man-made virus cannot be eradicated. It seems that my government is implementing a population elimination plan.
A year ago, the government lifted the mandatory lockdown, and the population took off their masks. Now it seems that I need to wear a mask again. Every time I get pneumonia, the number of lung nodules will increase, and the sequelae are permanent and superimposed until death.

May 24, 2024

Local KP.2 pneumonia strain emerges in Guangdong, China

The WHO has officially listed KP.2 as a "mutant strain requiring monitoring." KP.2 is the third-generation sub-branch of the novel coronavirus (Chinese Communist Party virus) Omicron JN.1 variant, and it is also a sub-branch of the JN.1 variant that has a strong transmission advantage.

On May 23, many netizens on social media in mainland China discussed that the KP.2 new coronavirus mutant strain first appeared in Guangdong and has spread. So far, 25 cases have been diagnosed; this mutant strain is more contagious, etc.

As previously reported, the KP.2 mutant strain was detected for the first time in local cases in Guangdong on March 11. This new mutant strain is more contagious.

The National Bureau of Disease Control and Prevention of the Communist Party of China reported in a low-key manner on May 14 that as of May 12, the CCP had detected 25 KP.2 sequences in local cases in China.

The Paper recently reported that the new coronavirus is far from disappearing and has become more difficult to stop. At the same time, the public's enthusiasm for getting the new coronavirus vaccine is gradually cooling down to rejection.

Henan university teacher: Many recent deaths were not reported by the authorities
Wang Qian, a teacher at a university in Henan, told an Epoch Times reporter that now all news about the epidemic is not reported, and people will die when they die. “When I went to pay homage to my parents’ graves during festivals, I saw many more tombstones.”

She said that in March, "four people died in our unit, one of whom was 31 years old, one was 58 years old, and one was 52 years old. He jumped to his death from a building." "On May 7, another teacher died, 68 years old. He died suddenly in the early morning. "It's probably caused by cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases."

Wang Qi revealed that a teacher in their school kept coughing for a long time. He went to the hospital to see a doctor, and the doctor said he was hospitalized for pneumonia. His wife had the same problem and they were hospitalized together. The teacher said that the hospital was full of pneumonia patients. "The hospital knows what's going on, but it won't tell you what the disease is, and it's not written in the medical records. In fact, everyone knows what's going on (sequelae of the new coronavirus vaccine), but they don't dare to say it."

Wang Qi also said that among her relatives who had received the COVID-19 vaccine, some had vision loss and some had herpes zoster. Several people began to have physical problems one after another.

She said, "In addition to the high pressure at work, there are also a lot of mental controls that make people breathless. Now I don't dare to say anything. I haven't posted messages online for several years, for fear of injuring others. I I feel really desperate.”

Henan middle school teacher: Many people died, mostly young people
Mr. Zhao, a middle school teacher in Henan, told the Epoch Times reporter that there are more sudden deaths, including what he has seen and heard, and there are more young people. "Only three people from our school left, people in their thirties and forties. Many people died during the epidemic in the past few years."

He said that there are still many people suffering from cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and many people have been diagnosed with myocarditis and pulmonary nodules. He himself (in his thirties) had pulmonary nodules. "During the COVID-19 epidemic, people were forced to take multiple shots of vaccines. I was unwilling to take the vaccine at that time, but the principal called me personally and said, if you don't get the vaccine, don't come to work. After taking the vaccine, the physical fitness generally deteriorated. . My son often has fevers, colds and headaches after being vaccinated. Children are now in very poor health.”

"If I had the ability and money, I would have wanted to leave a long time ago. I really don't want to stay here anymore. I want to leave for the sake of my children. This kind of education makes me very worried about my children's future."

He said angrily that if he talked about these topics online, he would be blocked and would not be able to post at all. "I posted something on Douyin, but it was immediately restricted. Either you will be banned directly, or your account will be canceled so that you don't dare to say anything at all. Because social platforms require real-name registration, and when you post The information was quickly found by the network administrator. The government has blocked the Internet too severely, and we don’t know a lot of real news.”

Sichuan teacher: The school prohibits discussion of the epidemic and vaccine issues
Mr. Yu, a middle school teacher in Sichuan, said that he knew of three middle school teachers who died suddenly, all of whom were veteran members of the Communist Party of China and were in their early 60s.

Mr. Yu told The Epoch Times reporter that when he insisted not to take the COVID-19 vaccine, the principal said to him, now you are the only one in the school who has not taken the vaccine. How should we explain it?

"I had a physical examination six months after I got the vaccine. After that, the hospital called me and said you want to come to check your right lung. Part of it was ground glass." He said that he had to take medicine to treat the disease, which cost more than 3,000 yuan. Yuan buys medicine.

Mr. Yu revealed that everyone is talking about the fact that many people have developed pulmonary nodules and other symptoms after receiving the vaccine, and their immunity has also declined. Students also have physical problems. We cannot talk too much about this issue. You are not allowed to discuss this kind of thing. The teacher is discussing in the office which students have been vaccinated and if there are any adverse reactions, the leaders will quickly ask you to talk to them. If you tell people on the Internet that you have any adverse reactions to the vaccine, it won't work. Someone will come to you.


Forum Veteran
Antibiotics strong one are known to cause glass lung.

So should we prepare for covid3.0? I’m ready for a stock market dump. I made 3x my investment in 6mo with COVID. Hoping to make 5x this go around and I’ll have over $2million. Lets crash this party shall we?


"I'm afraid you're in a 'gotsta go situation'!"
"The planet will shake us off like a bad case of fleas, a surface nuisance." - George Carlin from Saving the Planet in Jamming In New York (1992)


Fresh Meat
Did u get the vaccine asiki?
I received the Chinese pneumonia vaccine, but it had no effect and caused me serious side effects

I only received one injection. Half an hour later, I developed pain in the middle of my two lungs, which lasted for a long time. The doctor at the first hospital told me that it was nerve pain. Three months later, another hospital performed a CT scan on me. After testing, they said I had pulmonary nodules, and later suspected that I had autonomic nervous system disorder due to the vaccine.

It's been almost two years and I don't know how to get rid of the symptoms, and although the pain has gone away over time, I still feel some discomfort.

When the vaccine was about to be widely vaccinated in China but it had not yet been officially popularized, a group of people posted some content on the Internet to remind people not to get vaccinated. They said that this was a population clearing plan and that all people who received the vaccine would either be poisoned or poisoned. Or die, I was convinced of this at the time, and I refused to be vaccinated against pneumonia.

But this is a communist country, and the government has regulations that if you don't receive the vaccine, you can't work, you'll be kicked out, you can't go to school, you can't enter public places like stations, shopping malls, and you can't take planes and trains

The police's use of violence, the constant urging of doctors who made money by taking the vaccine, the indifferent attitude of the walking dead teachers, and my brainwashed family all combined to force me to take a vaccine shot, which led to the tragedy.

If I could do it over again, I would definitely be tougher, even if it meant breaking up with my family and everyone else.

In China, in the capital Beijing alone, thousands of people have sequelae. They defend their rights at the door of the government every day. However, the government not only refuses to compensate them, but also sends police to beat them. There are 3,000 people who have developed leukemia just because of the vaccine. This is even Just in Beijing.

I believe the vaccine could be a population eradication plan or something nefarious