fights Black chick throws bowling ball at girl’s head (1 Viewer)

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...God's favorite troll...
...The niggers have a strong legal case against the bowling alley...

...Let that be a fucking lesson to any business people looking to put their business in the middle of Niggerville...

...All your hard work will go down the tubes thanks to the groids...

Grand Mal Caesar

...The niggers have a strong legal case against the bowling alley...

...Let that be a fucking lesson to any business people looking to put their business in the middle of Niggerville...

...All your hard work will go down the tubes thanks to the groids...
You know why all the balls are brightly colored at this bowling alley? All the blackness of the bowling balls and their skin would absorb all the light.


...God's favorite troll...
You know why all the balls are brightly colored at this bowling alley? All the blackness of the bowling balls and their skin would absorb all the light.
...I thought they liked it because it was a metaphor for "Coloreds" to "Knock Down" all the "White" pins...

...Too bad all the niggers live in the gutter...