bizarre Blacks At The Airport (1 Viewer)

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Of course your opinion matters! - just not to me.
That black queen said “ Ohhhh heyyyyylllll naw dis bitch did not just touch me. Bitch, back da fukkkk up! Dis bitch gonna make me go Woman King on her ass and lose my job. Well it might be worth it. Tyrone Elizabeth Wakanda I’m out!


Typical MAGA MAGGOT comment. When I think of MAGAHOLICS I see ignorant racist "dumber than a 2x4 piece of rough wood" idiots who all graduated from Trump University.

No no no....that's MAGA. Speading like locusts across what was a GREAT country infecting everyone with their stupidity and bullshit. The world is laughing at the USA with the stink MAGA is spreading.
Maga maga maga maga


Constantly laughing at the world
Not sure what she was expecting when she tapped him in the head like that. Not saying she deserved her ass being whooped by a man but you can only poke the bear so long.
I think it's really stupid how nobody jumps the female for being violent - she gets a free pass and protected even though she most likely started all that shit.


silent ghost
theres always that one white dude...."ok everyone just relax. just relax everyone,just relax" LOL NIGGA SHUT THE FUCK UP WIT DAT!

yes we saw what she did. it was a tap. no blood was drawn. he didnt look hurt. but yet wanted to fuck that bitch up badly. not called for,imo. once they fell,he shudda "let it go". not create more of a scene.

then the black knight arises and hes not so tough anymore,but still talking like a tough guy. :rolleyes:

Varmint Hunter

I'd go to hell just to shoot the Devil in the face
Blue shirt guy is proof that you don't need to wear a fedora to be a simp. I wonder if she gave him some later for being the 'chivalrous knight' he was. Nah, doubt it...

But he's probably gonna post on Reddit later: "So the ticket agent swung at her and I knocked him out with one punch. And m'lady was so grateful that she started kissing me right there and the whole airport clapped and cheered for us!"... 😂


Kill 'em all
Typical MAGA MAGGOT comment. When I think of MAGAHOLICS I see ignorant racist "dumber than a 2x4 piece of rough wood" idiots who all graduated from Trump University.

No no no....that's MAGA. Speading like locusts across what was a GREAT country infecting everyone with their stupidity and bullshit. The world is laughing at the USA with the stink MAGA is spreading.
No, I'm not from the US and it's definitely the blacks I'm laughing at. In sardonic fashion. While shaking my head.