Bombs go off at Boston race. (1 Viewer)

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Forum Veteran
I love how people blame the government or Illumanti or what have you, they refuse to believe that a crazy man or woman could do something like this.


Forum Veteran
See this doesn't make sense to me, if it was a terrorist attack, clearly it was amatuer. Because if they had set the bombs to go off two hours prior, far more would be dead. Why set them off when the race is finishing up and there are less people?


*I Squirt Blonde*
See this doesn't make sense to me, if it was a terrorist attack, clearly it was amatuer. Because if they had set the bombs to go off two hours prior, far more would be dead. Why set them off when the race is finishing up and there are less people?

I went to there a few years ago..and people gather more at the finish line.


Goregrish Whore
See this doesn't make sense to me, if it was a terrorist attack, clearly it was amatuer. Because if they had set the bombs to go off two hours prior, far more would be dead. Why set them off when the race is finishing up and there are less people?
Ton of people at the finish line to watch people cross the finish line. Its huge day in Boston. Also, there was a baseball game at 11 a.m.


Goregrish Whore
No not yet..Phone lines are really jammed....some ppl have said..cell phones have been turned off..Haven't heard that..
I have read on the ticker yhey have shut down cell service in case of remote detonation. There is a number to call for info on loved ones/victims. Do you have the number?


Do we know if it's an Arab(s) yet?

If so, I will ask, like I did after 9/11. Will this finally wake up the blind masses to what our foreign policy and support of Israel is doing to our country??

We act like the worlds bully boy, going around and destroying either though sheer military might or sanctions these small countries that can't defend themselves on behalf of Israel, and expect NOTHING to happen to us. Most Americans really actually think this is what war is like. We bomb the hell out of some countries and they take it and they like it, and they better not even THINK about trying to hit us back.

Well they DO think of hitting us back. But they don't have a nuclear powered Navy fleet that can shoot cruise missiles into our countries while sitting safe in the water like we can. They don't have the planes or drones to drop bombs on us like we do to them. They don't have any worthwhile air defense system that would take out our planes like we could theirs. So they wage war back at us in the only way they can, primitive and barbaric attacks mostly on civilians. I'm sure if they had the capability to do so, they'd like nothing more than to leave the civilians out of it and take on our military, but they aren't stupid people, and I'm sure they aren't all that hyped up about their 72 virgins coming to soon to them.

I'm not making excuses for these people, but I'm trying to make people understand why they do the things they do. Just like Osama bin Laden said in an aired broadcast (the only broadcast - afterwards the MSM said they would no longer show his statements on TV because they might contain "hidden messages" :imserious: in them), but bin Laden said straight out, Americans won't be safe in their country until Palestinians are safe in Palestine.

The more we push them around, the more we support Israhell, the more this shit is going to happen to us.

Here, have a listen to this broadcast, this will help anyone out understand my point of view.

See this doesn't make sense to me, if it was a terrorist attack, clearly it was amatuer. Because if they had set the bombs to go off two hours prior, far more would be dead. Why set them off when the race is finishing up and there are less people?

Maybe that is when the police let their guard down and gave the guy his opportunity to get close enough.

Either way, people are going to be fired over this giant lapse in security.


Forum Veteran
Do we know if it's an Arab(s) yet?

If so, I will ask, like I did after 9/11. Will this finally wake up the blind masses to what our foreign policy and support of Israel is doing to our country??

We act like the worlds bully boy, going around and destroying either though sheer military might or sanctions these small countries that can't defend themselves on behalf of Israel, and expect NOTHING to happen to us. Most Americans really actually think this is what war is like. We bomb the hell out of some countries and they take it and they like it, and they better not even THINK about trying to hit us back.

Well they DO think of hitting us back. But they don't have a nuclear powered Navy fleet that can shoot cruise missiles into our countries while sitting safe in the water like we can. They don't have the planes or drones to drop bombs on us like we do to them. They don't have any worthwhile air defense system that would take out our planes like we could theirs. So they wage war back at us in the only way they can, primitive and barbaric attacks mostly on civilians. I'm sure if they had the capability to do so, they'd like nothing more than to leave the civilians out of it and take on our military, but they aren't stupid people, and I'm sure they aren't all that hyped up about their 72 virgins coming to soon to them.

I'm not making excuses for these people, but I'm trying to make people understand why they do the things they do. Just like Osama bin Laden said in an aired broadcast (the only broadcast - afterwards the MSM said they would no longer show his statements on TV because they might contain "hidden messages" :imserious: in them), but bin Laden said straight out, Americans won't be safe in their country until Palestinians are safe in Palestine.

The more we push them around, the more we support Israhell, the more this shit is going to happen to us.

Here, have a listen to this broadcast, this will help anyone out understand my point of view.

Maybe that is when the police let their guard down and gave the guy his opportunity to get close enough.

Either way, people are going to be fired over this giant lapse in security.
*Sigh* took ya long enough.


I have read on the ticker yhey have shut down cell service in case of remote detonation. There is a number to call for info on loved ones/victims. Do you have the number?

Just found out my friend that is going to med school to become a Dr. and helps out the marathon runners after the race is okay. She was close to where it happened though.

My future wife always goes to the Boston Marathon. This is the first year she didn't go in ages.