China Land Bureau Chief Kills Pregnant Woman on Street (1 Viewer)

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On June 6, in one of the urban areas in Jiangxi Province, China, which is equivalent to the state of Texas in the United States, the director of the Bureau of Land Management killed a pregnant woman on the street.

At that time, the director suddenly drove into a crosswalk, killing a pregnant woman, including the child in her belly.

This director is a member of the Communist Party. He has been a member of the Communist Party for almost 30 years. He just met with Chinese President Xi Jinping a few months ago.

The motive for the murder has not yet been announced. The Communist Party will never release the specific content of negative news. Some local people said that the director was on drugs. He mistook the pregnant woman for a wolf. He was frightened and chose to drive into the car.

The motive for the murder is unknown.

Jiangxi Province, China, is equivalent in size and economic capacity to the state of Texas in the United States

Now, in a city in Jiangxi Province, the director of the municipal land bureau deliberately killed innocent civilians.


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