accident Chinky not paying attention when crossing (1 Viewer)

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Every time I see a video like this for some reason I expect Doc Brown to get out of the car in a panic screaming "Marty! Marty! We have to do something about your kids." 😂
I quietly laugh at all the people I see walking around, head down, locked into their mobile devices, blindly crossing junctions, crossing roads, oblivious to the world around them, and expecting everyone else to pay attention to them, and give them right-of-way. They are like mindless drones. And as such, I don;t mind when they get hurt by shit they'd have likely avoided if they were paying attention.

And what's the deal with women (particularly) walking around with their phone permanently in their hand? Put it in a pocket, or your jacket, or in your bag - do you really have to carry it in-hand ALL THE FUCKING TIME? It's like they are advertising it in a commercial. Or have they simply decided to wear clothing that has no pockets?