disaster Choking Out The DCS Worker (1 Viewer)

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I had a bout with DCS when anonymous caller told DSS me and my wife were letting our daughter stay out wee hours of the morning. Never happened as all the kids were in bed by 8 pm on school days and 10 pm on weekends. Didn't matter what we said. We were ordered to take drug tests by chest hair samples and interviewed like criminals for months. Didn't even matter that we had video evidence of it being someone else as the apartment complex had mu;tiple video cameras, two of them that captured a girl on her bike from the next building. We still had to go through several more months of big brother rummaging through our shit. and drug testing us. I was almost to the point of where that guy was.
people on this boad are rooting for the government, they got shit backwards

Father Corpse

The void is calling …
I had a bout with DCS when anonymous caller told DSS me and my wife were letting our daughter stay out wee hours of the morning. Never happened as all the kids were in bed by 8 pm on school days and 10 pm on weekends. Didn't matter what we said. We were ordered to take drug tests by chest hair samples and interviewed like criminals for months. Didn't even matter that we had video evidence of it being someone else as the apartment complex had mu;tiple video cameras, two of them that captured a girl on her bike from the next building. We still had to go through several more months of big brother rummaging through our shit. and drug testing us. I was almost to the point of where that guy was.
How hairy is your wife’s chest


Ya know what makes me laugh is when a commenter goes straight to the Negar response because he or she is dumb as a brick and couldn't come up with a intellectual fucking response I really wish there was a second goregrish for people who just want to know what is happening the world without censorship


View attachment 837265
I love to hear the backstory on a lot of these DCS videos. Skinny fucking faggot thought he was saving a family but ended it, now no one gets a family. To be fair the big black fucker was in the right, maybe not legally but morally, and that will always win in life.

Also you can hear the big ass nigger saying “couldn’t show the video” he ruined this dudes life with no evidence. I’d KILLLL too.