Police Civilian PIT/TVI Maneuver (1 Viewer)

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For the most part I respect the police and aside from a few examples have always had positive interactions but I'm not going to put myself, or my property, in harm's way in this sort of situation.
I respect what they do but respect is something I usually only give based off of someone's behavior towards me first and I've had enough bad experiences with the police to be wary of them, not to say I'll ever be uncompliant with them (rather not get shot) but I'll always be hesitant to talk to them because i know some of them will already have decided your guilt as soon as they arrive


Forum Veteran
I pay them to do the job, not put my hard earned property in the way. And you know, in many cases they are going to blame you for something even though you were being an upright citizen. Why take the chance? Stay the fuck away from the cops if you can. Don’t volunteer.