Don't Forget to Wash Your Hands While Cooking (1 Viewer)

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Chief Queef

Last of the Mohicans
I don't eat at subway or coldstone because I hate people fucking with my food. Especially when you touch every fucking ingredient. All I can think about is what part of his dress does he use to wipe his rear...


Insolent Puppy
When Ya'll limeys talk about "a curry"🤮
Oh stop it Pinky we love a curry but we don't do paki shit like that with it. I once many years ago had a mate who was as Jamaican as it gets dreads and all he once said I get called nigger a lot man but at least I ain't no dirty Paki. As a race I wouldn't eat anything one of them had cooked I make my own. Love and hugs Pinky girl x


Hypocrisy is the homage vice pays to virtue
Oh stop it Pinky we love a curry but we don't do paki shit like that with it. I once many years ago had a mate who was as Jamaican as it gets dreads and all he once said I get called nigger a lot man but at least I ain't no dirty Paki. As a race I wouldn't eat anything one of them had cooked I make my own. Love and hugs Pinky girl x
@Humungus đź’—đź’• have a great day!

Kapitän Ghul'

Look at me go.
I don't eat at subway or coldstone because I hate people fucking with my food. Especially when you touch every fucking ingredient. All I can think about is what part of his dress does he use to wipe his rear...
So do you only eat what you make? Or can you eat from a place where you didn't see the food being handled?

Chemical Burgers

Why are we still here? Just to suffer?
I was in New Delhi for 2 days a few years ago and if it didn't come out of a sealed container, I didn't eat it. One look at some of the people preparing street food is enough to turn you off from it.

I bet all of your immune systems are weak AF.

I'd have a plate.
a healthy immune system won't prevent you from getting intestinal up!