animals Don't Run (1 Viewer)

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Flatus Tube

I have counted to infinity, twice.
Wtf was he doing in there in the first place? Would love the back story to this

Maybe heā€™s a retired zookeeper that found his old uniform and escaped from the nursing home to go back to his younger years. Forgetting he had dementia, because he had dementia, he got into the lion enclosure and couldnā€™t remember the lessons from zookeeper schoolā€¦

1- Donā€™t kick empty cans as it pisses off the lions.
2- Donā€™t run if your a slow old man.
3- Donā€™t get into the fucking lion enclosure!


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
King of the jungle. He's allowed to eat people
Luckily for this 67 year old British man, Mr lion wasn't too hungry


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
Maybe heā€™s a retired zookeeper that found his old uniform and escaped from the nursing home to go back to his younger years. Forgetting he had dementia, because he had dementia, he got into the lion enclosure and couldnā€™t remember the lessons from zookeeper schoolā€¦

1- Donā€™t kick empty cans as it pisses off the lions.
2- Donā€™t run if your a slow old man.
3- Donā€™t get into the fucking lion enclosure!
He was a British guy whom with his wife relocated to South Africa and started a lion prohect/sanctuary. This happened in 2018 and he survived.


Lurking Lurker
Even in zoos and cages all their lives, big kitties instinctively know to go for the neck- preferably the back of the neck as it usually means a sneak attack or the prey Trying to run away.
Lion could tell the older man was the weakest in the group.
Could have been An interesting story at the funeral tho- Gramps got merked by a lion.
He would have wanted it that way.

Too bad more hunters of large endangered animals and especially poachers don't usually get the same treatment.

I'm all for hunting... But I don't understand the mentality of wanting to track a rare, beautiful creature that is valuable to the continuation of its species just to kill it for your fucking wall.

It won't be too many generations when zoos and a few animal preserves will be the only place these animals exist.
Oh, and canned hunting. Cause people are STILL going to want to blast one like Gramps did when they roamed wild.


Forum Veteran
Another idiot old fart.

"HN I fink you're gorgrish..."
Even in zoos and cages all their lives, big kitties instinctively know to go for the neck- preferably the back of the neck as it usually means a sneak attack or the prey Trying to run away.
Lion could tell the older man was the weakest in the group.
Could have been An interesting story at the funeral tho- Gramps got merked by a lion.
He would have wanted it that way.

Too bad more hunters of large endangered animals and especially poachers don't usually get the same treatment.

I'm all for hunting... But I don't understand the mentality of wanting to track a rare, beautiful creature that is valuable to the continuation of its species just to kill it for your fucking wall.

It won't be too many generations when zoos and a few animal preserves will be the only place these animals exist.
Oh, and canned hunting. Cause people are STILL going to want to blast one like Gramps did when they roamed wild.
I could not agree more on the canned hunt concept. It's really missing the point.