animals Elephant And Rhino Smackdown (2 Viewers)

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Fresh Meat
:lulz: You should be reported for making me laugh so dang hard buddy. Gigachad Elephante wasn't having none of Champion Rhino BBC Tyrone's shenagians, All we saw was Tyrone's cheeks and nuts swinging as he hauled ass like a beta male bitchnitch

Robert Banks

Forum Veteran
Oh. An actual elephant and a rhinoceros. I had been expecting something, um, different.

That elephant was a mean son-of-a-bitch.


Forum Veteran
I have so many questions. Did the elephants tusks penetrate the rhino to internal organs? Is the rhino dead?
Yes. The rhino, bar intervention of specialist vets with mega fauna operating theatre and massive doses of anti biotics, if suffering from a perferated abdomen with God knows what internal injuries.

You can see the blood all over the elephant's trunk and side of face. The tusks, whilst not long, went in full deapth.

You can also see the puncture wounds on the rhino's side. He will run until he calms down, then rest and stiffen up and then get septic and die.

the blood patch on the rhino appears to be a lot larger once it runs back into frame at the end. The tusks may have ruptured a major blood vessel...

If you notice the way the elephant pushed his tusks in and then moved them around, as well as the rhino squirming about to get off them, then the internal injuries will be much greater than the visible wound.
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All we saw was Tyrone's cheeks and nuts swinging as he hauled ass like a beta male bitchnitch
your powers of observation are amazing...all i saw was a beaten beast running away to die
ps--who is this "we", your gay friend?