Everyone is lying (1 Viewer)

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the sand in your vagina
Uh free and fair? Are you even American? Or are you one of those ones who lives 2 thousand miles away and thinks they know more about the US than the people that live here. And if your from the US and your saying this, then your definitely uneducated and naive. Not to insult you but I'd want to see you know the real truth. It's not about left or right, it's about separating truth from false hood.
The real truth? As if you know the real truth? Like you've got some super secret inside information? Lol. Please grow up.

Not a single shred of credible proof exists that anyone stole any election from anything. I'm sorry, but your stupid pillow guy has nothing. Not even trump appointed fascist republican judges have gone along with this right wing election lie bullshit.


Forum Veteran
The real truth? As if you know the real truth? Like you've got some super secret inside information? Lol. Please grow up.

Not a single shred of credible proof exists that anyone stole any election from anything. I'm sorry, but your stupid pillow guy has nothing. Not even trump appointed fascist republican judges have gone along with this right wing election lie bullshit.
So if I posted just a few of the stolen or missing or recounted ballots from credible news sources and from actual law enforcement agencies would that change your opinion? Yes there was most definitely atleast several tens of thousands of ballots miscounted. Some states had over 30 thousand miscountee ballots. It's public knowledge.

@hokie I prove yall wrong all the time. I'm getting tired of posting proof when yall m.fs ain't gonna believe it anyways or admit you were wrong. Search my posts and you'll see I'm seldom wrong.


the sand in your vagina
So if I posted just a few of the stolen or missing or recounted ballots from credible news sources and from actual law enforcement agencies would that change your opinion? Yes there was most definitely atleast several tens of thousands of ballots miscounted. Some states had over 30 thousand miscountee ballots. It's public knowledge.
Oh wait, you know "credible news sources"? Really? I thought all media was fake. Is it not?

With the gross proliferation of knucklheaded desperate right wingers out there in positions of power, don't you think that by now, TWO YEARS LATER, something would happen if there was actual credible proof? And I don't mean a dumb white trash fascist traitor right wing insurrection attack on democracy. I mean actual legal recourse. The government is not as lopsided as you seem to think. There are many republicans in high positions of power. If there was true proof of any election irregularities they would have already run wild with it. But they haven't, and they can't, because the elections are legit. You win some, you lose some. Get the fuck over it.


Forum Veteran
Oh wait, you know "credible news sources"? Really? I thought all media was fake. Is it not?

With the gross proliferation of knucklheaded desperate right wingers out there in positions of power, don't you think that by now, TWO YEARS LATER, something would happen if there was actual credible proof? And I don't mean a dumb white trash fascist traitor right wing insurrection attack on democracy. I mean actual legal recourse. The government is not as lopsided as you seem to think. There are many republicans in high positions of power. If there was true proof of any election irregularities they would have already run wild with it. But they haven't, and they can't, because the elections are legit. You win some, you lose some. Get the fuck over it.
Fuck it. I ain't crying about it. Joe Biden is president. Look at 9/11 and look at Hilary Clinton and the whitewater scandal. Or even the assination of jfk to name a few. Yes sometimes things get swept under the rug. And I never said all media was fake. There's truth everywhere mixed in with other b.s

Fuck it. I ain't crying about it. Joe Biden is president. Look at 9/11 and look at Hilary Clinton and the whitewater scandal. Or even the assination of jfk to name a few. Yes sometimes things get swept under the rug. And I never said all media was fake. There's truth everywhere mixed in with other b.s
Even with the midterm elections check it out there was already a bunch of fraud shit going on. It ain't about left or right bro. It's about truth and justice. Which is becoming rarer and rarer in America.


the sand in your vagina
Fuck it. I ain't crying about it. Joe Biden is president. Look at 9/11 and look at Hilary Clinton and the whitewater scandal. Or even the assination of jfk to name a few. Yes sometimes things get swept under the rug. And I never said all media was fake. There's truth everywhere mixed in with other b.s
The thing is...I'll be friendly now...you, or I, can't do jack shit about it. Just cast your vote however you want and live your life the best you can. I assure you that fretting over this stuff is a colossal waste of time.


Forum Veteran
The thing is...I'll be friendly now...you, or I, can't do jack shit about it. Just cast your vote however you want and live your life the best you can. I assure you that fretting over this stuff is a colossal waste of time.
Your most likely right. I've been hearing that lately. Matter of fact just yesterday my friend I haven't seen in a while basically said the same thing and explained it to me a little bit, I hate to say it but it made sense.

Your most likely right. I've been hearing that lately. Matter of fact just yesterday my friend I haven't seen in a while basically said the same thing and explained it to me a little bit, I hate to say it but it made sense.
I hate politics. I wish things were simpler and not so complicated. Religion, I could argue about that all day šŸ˜‚ but not politics. My heart's just not in it like that.


Take no prisoner
This user was banned
I can respect a smart,well educated black man,but there's not many.What i don't like is thugs acting as if they're owed something. That's the difference about me being racist. I don't openly associated with niggers,simply because of the way they act.

Uh free and fair? Are you even American? Or are you one of those ones who lives 2 thousand miles away and thinks they know more about the US than the people that live here. And if your from the US and your saying this, then your definitely uneducated and naive. Not to insult you but I'd want to see you know the real truth. It's not about left or right, it's about separating truth from false hood.

Well explain the mail in ballots? Or the ballots that were counted multiple times, or the ballots from our soldiers overseas. They were counted towards Biden. That's obvious fraud.

I just want this country to be free and back to the old days where people trusted law enforcement and people didn't feel like our own government was our own worst enemy.
It's the "Grand Old Party" that i despise,the old Republican rhinos set in their ways and making the majority of the right,look foolish.
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Forum Veteran
I can respect a smart,well educated black man,but there's not many.What i don't like is thugs acting as if they're owed something. That's the difference about me being racist. I don't openly associated with niggers,simply because of the way they act.

It's the "Grand Old Party" that i despise,the old Republican rhinos set in their ways and making the majority of the right,look foolish.
You gotta do what works for you hun.


Take no prisoner
This user was banned
So if I posted just a few of the stolen or missing or recounted ballots from credible news sources and from actual law enforcement agencies would that change your opinion? Yes there was most definitely atleast several tens of thousands of ballots miscounted. Some states had over 30 thousand miscountee ballots. It's public knowledge.

@hokie I prove yall wrong all the time. I'm getting tired of posting proof when yall m.fs ain't gonna believe it anyways or admit you were wrong. Search my posts and you'll see I'm seldom wrong.
You should see the ballots that were thrown in dumpsters,and left everywhere else,in Pennsylvania. My state is a crucial part of election.


Forum Veteran
O wow. And yea p.a is definitely crucial. I can't believe dr.oz didn't win against fetterman. It's kinda sad sometimes to see how foolish people can be at times.
You should see the ballots that were thrown in dumpsters,and left everywhere else,in Pennsylvania. My state is a crucial part of election.

I'm from NY and NY is so democratic and left it's not even funny. šŸ˜‚
O wow. And yea p.a is definitely crucial. I can't believe dr.oz didn't win against fetterman. It's kinda sad sometimes to see how foolish people can be at times.


Take no prisoner
This user was banned
O wow. And yea p.a is definitely crucial. I can't believe dr.oz didn't win against fetterman. It's kinda sad sometimes to see how foolish people can be at times.

I'm from NY and NY is so democratic and left it's not even funny. šŸ˜‚
PA is VERY "Democratic" Just gets worse with each election,never a good candidate,and people are more clueless.