Police Female Cops in France (2 Viewers)

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France, Marseille. A young man got out of his car and calmly subdued a violent individual in front of two municipal policewomen who tried to stop him on Boulevard de la Libération, saying: "Madame, shall I catch him for you?"

These cunts are useless. Pay the guy for doing your job. Sheesh…



Wow that is pretty sad, granted I couldn't do any better but I wouldn't apply for the job. I bet civilians have more protections there if they get involved... if you tried that in the US (assisting the cops whiles in the middle of apprehending their perp. the cops would turn on you. How dare you do my job better than me! Pride, its the month and all. I bet the cops don't have the same protections there either... if they shot the dude breaking into cars they are probably in serious doo doo. I think there has been less noise around the need for gender equality in Europe. Girls are still girls... and that's why that guy wouldn't listen to them and was baiting them. Have one of our angry femanazi dyke cops go after him and he wouldn't know what hit him.

Khokhlol Hunter

I wish for a nuclear winter.
Female cops are fucking useless. Similar shit happened here a while back. Some activist or whatever, was investigating illegal deforestation and got his face mushed in front of so called cops. They just let him get beat up while they stood on the side watching. Bitch got out of the patrol car with fake nails, hairs hanging all the way down to her ass and what looked like heels. Her "partner" who was this scrawny fucking midget, looked like an auschwitz escapee, tried to intervene. But got shoved aside by one of the assailants like a limp dick.
What I'm getting at, is that there are no fucking standards in Europe for law enforcement anymore, thanks the inclusivity and diversity bullshit that was oh so graciously imported from the U.S. I mean, just look at the stupid ass pig in Germanistan who got stabbed in the fucking head because he had 0 situational awareness and most likely 0 training. Because men have been castrated in the head by society there is now a lack of people who want to do these jobs, like law enforcement. So they just straight up hire any jagoff with minimal 1 month training before active duty.
Yeah, I'm packing a gun now, everywhere I go.