Geoge Floyd Murdered by the police (1 Viewer)

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Forum Veteran
This is just nig nog rhetoric nonsense, did anyone not read up on his criminal history? He's no fkn angel that would help your Grandma cross the street, dude just got what the karma bus delivered on his black ass.


We are Kings


Well Known Member
As far as I'm concerned, he is one ni**er that deserved what he got. Stop resisting arrest and you won't be put in the situation he was in. He deserved to be restrained and end of story IMO.


White is right. Keep the white race pure🫡
As much as this George Floyd guy was
probably a lowlife
of shit, those
cops are even worse. That chubby asian cop just stood there. This is my first time seeing this TBH. It doesn't justify looting everything in my fucking city (I LIVE IN LONG BEACH) but I get why people are mad. There was no need to
have a knee on that guy's neck after he had very clearly gone unconscious.
Who cares? He’s a fucking low life piece of shit. Glad he’s rotting deep in the ground where he should have been for a long time now .


Take no prisoner
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Fentanyl Floyd tweaking hard, Resisting arrest and claiming he couldn't breathe before he was even on the ground in new body cam footage. :hm:

This the type of shit that needs to shown over social media.To all the simps and the idiots that made a fucking murial,in his name.I would love to share this over facebook,but i'm betting,they'll take it down.Since Fuckerberg is a libtard.I'm glad i got to see this.the real truth...