fights Ghetto Royal Rumble (1 Viewer)

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Revolt Against the Modern World

Dr. Johnny Fever

aka Bill Murray
I'm shit at judging the age of children but those yard apes would have been what....12-14? Can you fucking imagine what it would be like to teach these animals? Live among them? Even have to shop in the same stores?

I know Scott Adams' "stay away from black people" has become something of a hack overused meme but goddamned if it isn't true. this behavior better or worse?

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I’m thinking that this behavior is expected worldwide. If a bunch of Caucasian people acted like this it would be all over the news, and it would be very embarrassing. But whenever they act like this and unfortunately it happens all the time, no one mentions it and that’s because it’s become what we’ve not only accepted but also what we tolerate. I’m thinking we revolt and turn back the clock 200 years


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what you saw in that video are your future airline pilots thanks to diversity hire,
