animals ~Guy 's Arm Bitten Off By Alligator In Florida~ (1 Viewer)

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Chief Queef

Last of the Mohicans
From what I understand there are only two brief times of the day that gators are hunting/active. Besides those two time periods you could freely swim in gator infested waters with no issue. This was a guy from Florida who told me this, but this was a guy from into that however you wish.


Fuck Around, Find Out...
From what I understand there are only two brief times of the day that gators are hunting/active. Besides those two time periods you could freely swim in gator infested waters with no issue. This was a guy from Florida who told me this, but this was a guy from into that however you wish.
Yes. ..I grew up in Florida and it's common knowledge to stay the fk away from the waters edge unless you're being extremely cautious.... this guy wasn't being cautious....

Flatus Tube

I have counted to infinity, twice.
Just what he needs help from a guys with mullets smoking cigarettes.

I thought he was being super helpful by dropping hot ash onto the stump, presumably to cauterise the brachial artery 🤪.
