Her leg was torn off (1 Viewer)

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God gave women legs for the simple fact is that have you seen how much slugs make a mess this women is goin to make a hell a lot of slug slim now she can't walk

PTSD Is My Life

The internal medal for the wars I still fight
when out in areas like this, the last thing on your mind is checking your pubic area is all tickateeboo.... As long as its clean and functioning thats all your worried about. Trust me no-one is looking to cop a feel out there, well not the professional ones and if you do lay down a deal with someone to relieve each others frustration she aint going to be in a heart shaped bed with mood lighting in a basque and skimpies....as I said at the begining, as long as both parties are clean and functional thats all that matters........ when you have nothing to worry about and your sitting at home knowing your going to be around next week than you can worry about the niceties, if thats your thing.
In my eyes, it shows me that she was out there with her mind on the job and not on being a shag nasty disease spreader.....I never once dipped the wick whilst out of area, coz if she was giving it to me she was probably giving it to others..... no thanks, if I want to eat lumpy porridge I'll ask the chef to cook me some!


meow :o)
wedding ring will be on the left dude



silent ghost
lets hope her mentality didnt get blown away as her leg did. if shes married,im sure she might have a few pups. she might not be able to run and all that with them yet,but she can still hold and hug them. thats what matters!


Looking at this again, I can't help but wonder: Where's the proof that she's a soldier? What female soldier have any of you ever seen in a war zone with their nails done up like that?