Hillary Clinton Set to Announce 2016 Presidential Bid (1 Viewer)

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I like chickens
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Hillary has an ethics problem. Wiping her private email server clean to hide her culpability in the Bengazi murders. She was on the Watergate committee and was fired for ethics violations and Whitewater. Yet libtards are all giddy about electing the first woman president no matter what her qualifications are or aren't.


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Hilary once said something pretty hilarious !
She said her favorite book was the Bible.
Who the Fuck was she trying to kid ?
HaHaHa, seriously: Who cares ?
The game is rigged, has always been rigged and the American Age is over.
  • Haha
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Like I've told you on numerous occasions, Bush got it wrong too. They're all for big government and occupying other countries. Which is why we need someone like Rand Paul. And the debt was only 9 trillion when Bush left office. Now it's over 18. I'm glad old and won't get to see the downfall of my country.
Rand Paul always said ''No foreign aid'', Now that he is part of the rigged game and knows he can't get past APAC he wants ONE exemption.....flip flopping and brown nosing like the rest (best) of them cuz a Whore of Zion is the only kind of President this country will have until the people stand up against the tyranny of the same old tired gang pulling the strings from within the shadows. It's all a mute point cuz not even if the Koch brothers gave ALL their money and Ted set himself on fire will a Hillary victory be prevented.
Same old crap with a botoxed cup cake and a choir of hispanic nurses singing Christmas carols in sign language. Let's change the subject to what Kim Kardashian may be able to lift up between her ass cheeks by 2016 if she keeps on working out that behind of hers.

Wayne Kerr

a fuck off is always acceptable*
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it doesnt matter whether youre right or left. you voting sheep are wasting your time. the government you support has deemed you too incompetent to choose your own leader. hence the electoral college was put in place. your vote doesnt count. money talks, bullshit walks. right or left, its all a sham.

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Hillary as Prez??

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