How often do you plan a murder but never commit it? (1 Viewer)

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Reject conformity, embrace cringe.
Your brother leaves your unit at 1600 each Sunday after noon after his weekly visit and catches the 409 bus five stops to his home on Smith St. No. 5 Smith St to be exact.

He leaves his spare key under the flower pot on the right of the door.

I plan to take my Newbury castration knife with me and, after tying him up with the cable ties I purchased from Auto Barn on my credit card, shall cut his balls off and then kill him.

Hope that sounds ok to you...
If my brother leaves his spare key under a flower pot, he definitely deserves to get his balls cut off, and then he'll want to die anyway, so have fun I guess?

Foreskin Goblin

Meth connoisseur
Don't you need to actually prepare for it, like looking up sketchy stuff, meeting people, sharpening machetes, learning a potential victim's schedule, etc? Not just "ah yes, and then I'll cut their balls off"? I mean, to be arrested for conspiracy to kill?
yeah technically theyd have to prove you actually have a reasonable way of doing it, like for example.

owning guns and threatening someone within a days driving distance = charges (or even if you have access to guns like a close friend who would maybe loan you one could even lead to a charge)

anything bomb related basically = charges

but say if someone threatens someone in another country and they own guns, then probably not, because how would they feasibly do that.
really its just up to the judge and if the person you say it to/around feels threatened


The guy who shows up drunk at every AA meeting
To much work, going to have to clean up after, going to have to come up with good lies, going to have to move some place else, gonna be more suspicious about cops, hiding all of the evidence, failing to do so you're going to deal with long ass boring court with annoying Jew lawyers, be sent to prison and be stuck with a cellmate called Big Daddy, even if you get put as unstable you're gonna be labeled a mental bitch and be stuck in a institution with all those crazy fucks screaming at you and smothering shit on the walls, just sucks man. This is why I just read about them


Well Known Member
Just today I was reading up on a story (that probably wasn’t true) about how ted bundy was seen by a couple on a hike dumping a corpse, but the people who saw it from a distance didn’t get close enough to get a look at him because it looked like he was busy fooling around with his girlfriend and they avoided stumbling into and interrupting their ‘fun’. I thought about feeling up that smooth pale skin along the thigh of a petite little dead brunette woman laying in the leaves on that forest floor, basically imagining myself in his place. Love me a pale dead girl who won’t say no.