J.F.K Ass Ass i Nation (who fucked JFK) (4 Viewers)

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George De Mohrenschildt, is the CIA contact who had groomed Oswald with firstly the assassination attempt in Texas of General Walker. Then, he had contacted Oswald to off Kennedy. Furthermore, Mohrenschildt was a close friend of Jackie Kennedy.

I do believe Jackie Kennedy was part of the plot to kill her husband. In every murder of a spouse that's the first person you investigate is the spouse and Jackie isn't investigated at all by the commission. Jackie even partied it up the night of her husband's death with new president Lyndon B Johnson.

Mohrenschildt later in life would become extremely paranoid, basically admitted to being directly involved only to be blown off as crazy and then ultimately suicide. (Or course) We are talking rich oil tycoon money, Mohrenschildt laundering money in the Cayman Islands. Crazy stuff sure, more like CIA frontman who was left out to dry and was disposed of. What are your thoughts?


Just months before his death JFK cut funding to Project Orion, a secret nuclear space program. This upset many ex-Nazi rocket scientists at NASA, including Werner Von Braun, who used his connections to ex-Wehrmacht snipers in West Germany to carryout the assasination as revenge. With JFK out of the way the ex-Nazi NASA scientists were able to send missions to the Moon and unmanned probes to Mars and beyond, hoping that these successful missions would lead the new president to re-fund Project Orion. But with the signing of the Open Air Nuclear Test Ban Treaty between the USSR and America the project couldn't commence as the Orion spaceship's propulsion system relied on the detonation of Coca-Cola can-sized nuclear devices in its 'pusher-plate' engine. A real shame. By this point, nobody was even thinking NASA would be responsible for the death of a president and to their credit they've remained suspicion free to this day for the most part (besides me).




I like Bill Cooper's take on the JFK assassination.

"Oliver Stone showed you exactly who killed JFK. JFK movie "Meeting with X" scene, "That's the real question isn't it: why? The how and the who is just scenery for the public. Oswald, Ruby, Cuba, The Mafia, keeps 'em guessing like some kind of parlor game, prevents 'em from asking the most important question: why? Why was Kennedy Killed? Who benefited? Who has the power to cover it up? Who? 👌🏼". Camera peels away showing you the Washington monument, the obelisk, phallus of Osiris.. this same obelisk and the reflecting pool can be found in Dealey Plaza where JFK was shot, Dealey Plaza obelisk has 14 blocks representing Osiris' body scattered into 14 pieces, on it is an eternal flame 🔥.. same eternal flame can be found on JFKs grave.."

Takes another rip ..