bizarre Kickboxing Death (3 Viewers)

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Unbowed & Unbroken. PIRA.
This is just sad all round. I know combat sports increase the risk of death for competitors, but nobody should die playing the sport they love.

I love boxing, and will defend it to the hilt.

Rest in peace to the fighter, and I hope the poor fellas opponent isn't tormented by guilt.

Just a sad situation for all involved.


silent ghost
his opponent is thinking "yea i fucked him up!" not knowing that he killed him. what a shame too. i wonder if hes still kickboxing.
i knew a guy who was an amateur boxer. fucked a guy up pretty bad. turned him into a vegetable. he quit boxing. never picked up gloves again. and he was good at it.


Forum Veteran
That must have been one fuck of a kick. Or maybe it was a lucky temple shot. I'd love to know the exact cause.
Love how the guy is still bouncing in his corner, expecting the fight to resume.


i knew a guy who was an amateur boxer. fucked a guy up pretty bad. turned him into a vegetable. he quit boxing. never picked up gloves again. and he was good at it.

was his name Trooper Thorn?