MAGAs on the terrorist no-fly list (1 Viewer)

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Politics is bullshit. The only good political shit that happens are people like Anders Breivik & Brendon Terrant. We need heroes like them.

If they would be in politics I would follow it and vote for them. For now I keep the news turned off and do the fuck I want to do.


Zero Fucks Given
Politics is bullshit. The only good political shit that happens are people like Anders Breivik & Brendon Terrant. We need heroes like them.

If they would be in politics I would follow it and vote for them. For now I keep the news turned off and do the fuck I want to do.
Ted Kaczynski would be a good choice


Human Unit Never Killed
no mail in voting next time so it will be a lot harder to cheat....
It’s optimistic to think the next election will be fair but the way things are going I seriously doubt it. Democrats have shown they’ll do anything necessary to gain power. Anyone that questions their version of the truth is an evil nazi conspiracy theorist.


Holocaust fact checker
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no matter what the left does they know that the millions of maga people will still be there in 4 years..and theyre scared shitless about it...even bgirl knows this...and guess what??? no mail in voting next time so it will be a lot harder to cheat....
biden winning was probably the best thing for us.
4 more years of trump would just keep the normie trump sycophants pacified, rooting for nigger reparations (the platinum plan) because it "owns the libs" and proves that they're not racist.

The GOP needs to be scrapped and a new truly populist nationalist party can take its place, GOP politics isnt about anything other than tax breaks for the donor class and proving how not racist you are, its pathetic.


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biden winning was probably the best thing for us.
4 more years of trump would just keep the normie trump sycophants pacified, rooting for nigger reparations (the platinum plan) because it "owns the libs" and proves that they're not racist.

The GOP needs to be scrapped and a new truly populist nationalist party can take its place, GOP politics isnt about anything other than tax breaks for the donor class and proving how not racist you are, its pathetic.
the .o.p is dead.....all someone has to do is run 3rd party with a populist position and they have a vote for it


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It’s optimistic to think the next election will be fair but the way things are going I seriously doubt it. Democrats have shown they’ll do anything necessary to gain power. Anyone that questions their version of the truth is an evil nazi conspiracy theorist.
i can guarantee that cali and the left cities will make mail in standard,but thats not where they have to win...and well see if dems still hold governorships in the purple states soon enough


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Wake up you dumb fucks. Even conservative medias are finally telling the truth about Trump fabricating the election fraud because they're being sued by the companies they were defaming with lies. The GOP can't easily separate themselves from the trainwreck alt-right. Trump killed the republican party.

I love the fact that all the people being arrested are throwing Trump under the bus claiming they were just doing what he asked. A few of the lawyers are claiming their clients were brainwashed the last 5 years with propaganda.


Holocaust fact checker
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A few of the lawyers are claiming their clients were brainwashed the last 5 years with propaganda.
Isn't that the narrative spread by the jew media and every leftist catlady on the internet for 5 years?

That trump supporters were all uneducated racists brainwashed by youtube videos and trump rallies?


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Well they are pretty stupid. They were prepared to die for a reality TV personality, and some did. They're going to blame him to save themselves just like he would sacrifice them to hold on to power. Trumpism is the party of ignorance, terrorism, and death.


silent ghost
biden winning was probably the best thing for us.
4 more years of trump would just keep the normie trump sycophants pacified, rooting for nigger reparations (the platinum plan) because it "owns the libs" and proves that they're not racist.

The GOP needs to be scrapped and a new truly populist nationalist party can take its place, GOP politics isnt about anything other than tax breaks for the donor class and proving how not racist you are, its pathetic.
it seems like the GOP needs to "regroup" and come up with some kind of different platform now. its no longer working for them.
maybe they need to fight fire with fire? go back to their old ways. supporting the working/middle class again like they used to. they might get more support. because like you mentioned,the donor cless. which mainly is comprised of the rich and corporate eliteists.
just a thought.....