MAGAs on the terrorist no-fly list (1 Viewer)

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5 people are dead on Trump's watch and directions. It's my civic duty to report anyone I recognize as a terrorist. Their own family members have ratted them out. I don't know anyone personally that attended the insurrection. If I did, I might snitch on them too. Country over party.

Crusty Santa

Unpaid Elf Labor
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5 people are dead on Trump's watch and directions. It's my civic duty to report anyone I recognize as a terrorist. Their own family members have ratted them out. I don't know anyone personally that attended the insurrection. If I did, I might snitch on them too. Country over party.
You're ratting on people to the federal government? What a hero 👏 They don't need you to rat, they can find them without your help.

Crusty Santa

Unpaid Elf Labor
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You don't read so well... and actually the fbi did ask the public for help and put all their photos on their website.
I know they did. Its so scum like you can sow the seeds of distrust. Do you think the FBI couldn't find them? Obviously they can.

Sounds a lot like how Stalins regime would run. Snitching on family to the federal gov LMAO. The federal gov kill 100 and 1000s of people every year, aren't they lovely?


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I know they did. Its so scum like you can sow the seeds of distrust. Do you think the FBI couldn't find them? Obviously they can.

Sounds a lot like how Stalins regime would run. Snitching on family to the federal gov LMAO. The federal gov kill 100 and 1000s of people every year, aren't they lovely?

Well they couldn't easily find all the pond scum that took free bus rides and hotel rooms offered by Charlie Kirk and the wife of Clarence Thomas. Some people don't leave such a clear footprint. Aiding and abetting a terrorist makes you a traitor and guilty of a class 2 felony.

Crusty Santa

Unpaid Elf Labor
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Well they couldn't easily find all the pond scum that took free bus rides and hotel rooms offered by Charlie Kirk and the wife of Clarence Thomas. Some people don't leave such a clear footprint. Aiding and abetting a terrorist makes you a traitor and guilty of a class 2 felony.
Traitor to the federal gov? Most rational people wouldnt mind that.

Most of these people pictures are very clear. A facebook algorithm would tag their identity, it could pick it up with their facial recognition software within seconds. They werent covering their faces with balaclavas.

The boot lickers snitching them in even talk about the social medias they have. Their biometrics are already in the system.

The FBI doesnt need your help.


5 people are dead on Trump's watch and directions. It's my civic duty to report anyone I recognize as a terrorist. Their own family members have ratted them out. I don't know anyone personally that attended the insurrection. If I did, I might snitch on them too. Country over party.
1 person died on trumps watch, and she was shot by secret service, please stop with the lies, how many dies under democrats watch last yeah? 30 wasn’t it?


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Traitor to the federal gov? Most rational people wouldnt mind that.

Most of these people pictures are very clear. A facebook algorithm would tag their identity, it could pick it up with their facial recognition software within seconds. They werent covering their faces with balaclavas.

The boot lickers snitching them in even talk about the social medias they have. Their biometrics are already in the system.

The FBI doesnt need your help.
do it for the lols