Major Threat to America - Nicaragua Authorizes Russian Cruise Missles Base! (2 Viewers)

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Forum Veteran
I've already resigned myself to the likelihood that, while eating a Big Mac and listening to Miranda Lambert, I'm eventually going to be killed by the Chinese. If a Russian missile takes me out first, I consider that a win. Thanks, Joe.

Brother Birt

Bloody Tiddies!
Idk, man, it'd be pretty retarded if they actually sent something. *boop* intercepted by THAD; then we have an excuse to attack them back. Ever wonder why countries, worldwide, wanna buy our patriot missile systems? It's competitor is the Russian S4 and we beat them out based on the results. They aren't going to win the day with missiles, they'd have to COME HERE. 12 firearms to every man, woman, and child in the US (and that's only the REGISTERED firearms) don't seem like good odds for any invader, even "big, bad, Russia". Cry about trannies in our military all you want, it doesn't make the millions of rednecks with AR-15s go away. Fuck Joe Biden and fuck Russia, too. This is a farce, and a disgrace, all at the same time. Also, civilian resistance movements are NOT subject to the Geneva Convention. Have fun getting lit on fire by an inbred. Imagine the embarrassment your family, back in the motherland, would feel when they hear you got your pockets ran and your skull popped by a roving band of faggots and basketball americans. It's just a front, they don't want that kind of smoke, they'd rather bully their neighbors, like they always have. Then, they'll try to morally high-ground everyone like a victim, still claiming they're "harder than us soft Americans." Wallowing in the muck on top of a pedestal they made for themselves. Cue the butthurt Russia fan boys 👦


Hypocrisy is the homage vice pays to virtue
Well, we wasted all that money on the Panama Canal. Looks like Nicaragua canal will be the new, super wide pathway for us.


Well Known Member
Just another means of generating the war bucks. Big money in fear and control. Until we take this planet back from the banks and the Government a whole we will be subjected to their propaganda and abuse as their products of progression, slaves to the antiquity of profits, propaganda, and wage slavery. Modern indentured servitude signed on the social security, birth certificates, and the number we are assigned by the banks at birth. We must destroy all that to be free.


Barks Up Wrong Trees On Thin Ice
Just another means of generating the war bucks. Big money in fear and control. Until we take this planet back from the banks and the Government a whole we will be subjected to their propaganda and abuse as their products of progression, slaves to the antiquity of profits, propaganda, and wage slavery. Modern indentured servitude signed on the social security, birth certificates, and the number we are assigned by the banks at birth. We must destroy all that to be free.
This guy gets it. The whole world is a stage. Engineered propaganda and psy ops to keep you scared and feeling dependent on Daddy Government.


silent ghost
more fear mongering i guess. well,its not gunna work on everyone like they hope. people in this country for the most part,are numb to it all. at least id like to think. also as mentioned,war generates money. money that sleepy joe will give to nicaragua to fund that war because thats a not so rich country. because hes such a retard,i could see him doing that. hes only interested in the money.