Musilums hate Buddists too (4 Viewers)

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FUCK MONOTHEISTS! out of all the religions, monotheism causes the most violence. i'm not Buddhist either, but even an idiot like me can see it's more valid than any monotheistic religion.

FUCK RELIGION!!!!!!!!!! :rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage:
:tu: In the end, all religion is bullshit, but Buddhism's the only one that remotely has the right to be called a religion of "peace".
I'm sure every faith and religion has DO NOT KILL but it seems to be ok if their doing it for "their God" and that they'll go to Paradise because their doing some kind of service. Anyone can believe in anything they want. If you want to die, fuck off and hang yourself, don't take others with you. Cowardice.
I am no Buddist but if their religion is true, then there is a particularly horrific fate that awaits people who commit acts of terror. Countless years of torment in hell. But unlike Islam, Christianity, and Judism, hell is not eternal in Buddism. But it is so long that it will feel like eternity. You will suffer in hell until all of your bad karma is spent. Then you will be reborn into a shittier situation then you were before.

There is one interpretation that cuts out a judging deity completely and makes your bad karma weigh your soul down so that you fall into hell. This means that you truly have no one but yourself to blame for going to hell. You really are the only one who is responsible for entering hell.
I am no Buddist but if their religion is true, then there is a particularly horrific fate that awaits people who commit acts of terror. Countless years of torment in hell. But unlike Islam, Christianity, and Judism, hell is not eternal in Buddism. But it is so long that it will feel like eternity. You will suffer in hell until all of your bad karma is spent. Then you will be reborn into a shittier situation then you were before.

There is one interpretation that cuts out a judging deity completely and makes your bad karma weigh your soul down so that you fall into hell. This means that you truly have no one but yourself to blame for going to hell. You really are the only one who is responsible for entering hell.
That's not all though. There are supposedly multiple different realms of hell and each one has a specific torment for a specific sin. So if you committed multiple sins, then some interpretations state that once your torment for one sin has ended, you will be sent to the next hell realm to suffer the torment for another one of your sins, and this will continue until you have completed all of the torments for all of your sins. And each one feels like an eternity.

There are temples and gardens in various buddist nations that depict the things that will happen to you in hell. Look them up, you might find them to be of interest to you considering the nature of this site.


Forum Veteran
FUCK MONOTHEISTS! out of all the religions, monotheism causes the most violence. i'm not Buddhist either, but even an idiot like me can see it's more valid than any monotheistic religion.

FUCK RELIGION!!!!!!!!!! :rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage:
Particularly the fucked up Abrahamic religions run by nothing but niggers. White niggers, brown niggers, pope niggers.

The only exception I would give that I can think of off the top of my head:

The Amish and Menonites. They're perfectly fine in my books. They do their own things, and with the exception of random piles of horseshitleft in the middle of the roads, you don't even really notice they're around all that much.

Bill Murray

Forum Veteran
They still had it pretty good in 1939 compared to what came later.
They took a ride on a choo choo, sounds like fun. Don't know what those jews are always bitching about

And as for the moooslumsms, how the fuck do you get mad at Buddhists? They don't do shit to annoy people.


Mr Death
One of the least known and least publicized current wars involving Islamic
extremists is the ongoing jihad in southern Thailand. Muslim separatists in the
southernmost portion of the country have been committing a seemingly unending
series of terror attacks on Thai Buddhists, on other Muslims (apparently as
punishment for not supporting the violence) and on the Thai police and military.
This has been going on at least since 2004, and most likely much longer (though
unseen by the outside world). The goal of the terrorists is to create a
Muslim-controlled independent state ruled by Islamic law.

The few reports of the Thai jihad that reach the western press are almost
invariably purely textual descriptions of the violence; only rarely are photos
to be found in media reports, and almost none of those photos show what's really
going on: beheadings, corpse desecrations, torture, bombings, and more.

An anonymous correspondent (based in Malaysia) recently sent to a
series of extremely explicit photographs depicting some of the violence being
committed by Islamic terrorists in southern Thailand. Extensive online searches
through various news archives failed to turn up the precise origins of these
photos, nor of any photos even vaguely similar. Because of this, the images are
newsworthy, and I decided to make these photographs available online as a sort
of "evidence archive" of what has been happening in southern Thailand recently.

View attachment 164126
A Thai Buddhist motorcyclist who has been killed and beheaded.

View attachment 164127
The sign on his motorcycle says, in Thai script, "If Thais continue to capture/kill Malaysian (Muslims) in Thailand, we'll continue to kill Buddhists."

View attachment 164128
The head of the motorcyclist, lying nearby. The lower jaw has been severed as well.

View attachment 164129
A victim of an Islamic terror attack. He appears to have died in an explosion or fire, though his body may have been scorched after he was already dead.

View attachment 164130
His attackers tried (unsuccessfully) to hack off his head.

View attachment 164131
His body was severely burned. The document underneath is part of some police paperwork; the visible portion reads, "...before getting permission," along with some identification numbers

View attachment 164132
A member of the Thai military who has been killed and whose body was severely disfigured

View attachment 164133
The Thai military and the Thai police recovering the body.

View attachment 164135
Victims on a railroad bridge; one body has been draped over a girder; the other has been placed on the tracks and cut in half by the wheels of a passing train.

View attachment 164136
The same victim, shown from the other side.

View attachment 164137
Rescue workers recovering the partial corpse.

View attachment 164138
A severely burned body, in a photo possibly dated 2003. Although this was included with the other photos of terror victims, there is no way to determine exactly what happened to this particular victim.
Tell me who muslims actually like

Ogre Lord

Fresh Meat
Extremists do this not for god but to gain some kind of fucked respect from others and to scare others into falling ing line, they spit in the face of their own god with every act of violence they commit in their gods name. This goes for all extremists, not just Muslims, they are all just pathetic weak animals looking to be something more than just shit on our heels, but they only show themselves to be less than shit, because even shit can serve a purpose while they serve nothing but them selves, if I could I’d take every one of them to a desert where there would be one enormous vat of boiling tar and throw everyone of those mongrels in and just walk away, leaving them to die in torment and to be forgotten as the sands slowly fill the vat and bury it leaving no trace they ever existed. This is just my take on these animals anyway.


One of the least known and least publicized current wars involving Islamic
extremists is the ongoing jihad in southern Thailand. Muslim separatists in the
southernmost portion of the country have been committing a seemingly unending
series of terror attacks on Thai Buddhists, on other Muslims (apparently as
punishment for not supporting the violence) and on the Thai police and military.
This has been going on at least since 2004, and most likely much longer (though
unseen by the outside world). The goal of the terrorists is to create a
Muslim-controlled independent state ruled by Islamic law.

The few reports of the Thai jihad that reach the western press are almost
invariably purely textual descriptions of the violence; only rarely are photos
to be found in media reports, and almost none of those photos show what's really
going on: beheadings, corpse desecrations, torture, bombings, and more.

An anonymous correspondent (based in Malaysia) recently sent to a
series of extremely explicit photographs depicting some of the violence being
committed by Islamic terrorists in southern Thailand. Extensive online searches
through various news archives failed to turn up the precise origins of these
photos, nor of any photos even vaguely similar. Because of this, the images are
newsworthy, and I decided to make these photographs available online as a sort
of "evidence archive" of what has been happening in southern Thailand recently.

View attachment 164126
A Thai Buddhist motorcyclist who has been killed and beheaded.

View attachment 164127
The sign on his motorcycle says, in Thai script, "If Thais continue to capture/kill Malaysian (Muslims) in Thailand, we'll continue to kill Buddhists."

View attachment 164128
The head of the motorcyclist, lying nearby. The lower jaw has been severed as well.

View attachment 164129
A victim of an Islamic terror attack. He appears to have died in an explosion or fire, though his body may have been scorched after he was already dead.

View attachment 164130
His attackers tried (unsuccessfully) to hack off his head.

View attachment 164131
His body was severely burned. The document underneath is part of some police paperwork; the visible portion reads, "...before getting permission," along with some identification numbers

View attachment 164132
A member of the Thai military who has been killed and whose body was severely disfigured

View attachment 164133
The Thai military and the Thai police recovering the body.

View attachment 164135
Victims on a railroad bridge; one body has been draped over a girder; the other has been placed on the tracks and cut in half by the wheels of a passing train.

View attachment 164136
The same victim, shown from the other side.

View attachment 164137
Rescue workers recovering the partial corpse.

View attachment 164138
A severely burned body, in a photo possibly dated 2003. Although this was included with the other photos of terror victims, there is no way to determine exactly what happened to this particular victim.
mmmhhhhhh crisp diet cock the last one :)

Private Joker

Forum Veteran
All religion does is make you hate someone you don't even know.🥺sad.
FUCK MONOTHEISTS! out of all the religions, monotheism causes the most violence. i'm not Buddhist either, but even an idiot like me can see it's more valid than any monotheistic religion.

FUCK RELIGION!!!!!!!!!! :rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage:


I Squanch Goregrish!
This user was banned
FUCK MONOTHEISTS! out of all the religions, monotheism causes the most violence. i'm not Buddhist either, but even an idiot like me can see it's more valid than any monotheistic religion.

FUCK RELIGION!!!!!!!!!! :rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage:
He didn't kill those dickheads because he has a religion. Not a single religion tells kill people. If he killed someone, thats on him.
Religion doesn't kill people. People use religion as an excuse to kill people. Its like , if you don't believe in what I believe then you must die. Stupid fuckin shit.
Finally somebody smart in this site and knows how to critical think and not ignorant and blind to the bs
All religion does is make you hate someone you don't even know.🥺sad.
No it doesnt you idiot
Finally somebody smart in this site and knows how to critical think and not ignorant and blind to the bs

No it doesnt you idiot
Religion doesn't teach to be violent or go against other religion stop watching to many movies little kid


FUCK MONOTHEISTS! out of all the religions, monotheism causes the most violence. i'm not Buddhist either, but even an idiot like me can see it's more valid than any monotheistic religion.

FUCK RELIGION!!!!!!!!!! :rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage:
You sound like a fucking retard who just made this up on the spot, lmao... Monotheism is dumb? And Buddhism is better? LOL.