no gore, just a kindly judge and an old fart (1 Viewer)

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Splendid Fellow
Not by choice but yes I am. At the federal level we have a governor general who's the representative of the monarch in Canada. Its a largely ceremonial role but she (currently some indian woman who I honestly know very little about, the previous one was an astronaut who was bat.shit.crazy! and was forced to resign, something that's never happened) is still the last one who needs to sign off on any new laws by giving them royal assent. They almost never say no to the governing party and just rubber stamp whatever they get. Many Canadians have little use for the position and think its a waste of money but if we're going to remain a constitutional monarchy we keep the position.

**You can ignore the following as it gets a little long about some local provincial politics.
At the provincial level we have lieutenant governors who act as the local representative of the monarch. Without getting into too deep a rathole ours in Alberta recently made the news in saying they'd refuse to sign a particular piece of provincial legislation because they felt it would be unconstitutional. As some background we have two major political parties the New Democratic Party (NDP) and the United Conservative Party (UCP). The NDP are very left of center and socialist in their policies. Politically Alberta is traditionally very conservative and the NDP have only ever been elected for one four year term (2015-2019) in our 117 year history. They were elected largely out of protest against the Conservative government who had been in power for 44 years. The NDP were a fucking gongshow and lost power to the UCP in 2019. The UCP is an amalgamation of what was the Wildrose Party (WR; relatively new, quite right wing, most support came from rural ridings) and the Conservative Party (CP; very established, not quite as right wing, most support from urban ridings particularly from Calgary). Despite supposedly being "united" they've always been rather disjointed and that was made worse by the covid pandemic. The current leader & premier is a little rat fucker named Jason Kenney. There was a scheduled leadership review earlier this year and he had lost the confidence of the party which triggered a leadership race that we're currently just about to wrap up. One of the leading contenders for the leadership of the UCP is Danielle Smith. She was previously the leader of the WR but before the 2015 election she fucked the WR membership by crossing the floor to join the CPs. She didn't win a seat in that election so went into talk radio. That lasted for a few years till she started whining that people were mean, social media was toxic and said she was going to fuck off and work in her husband's restaurant and sell trinkets online. But when the UCP leadership race was announced her ego decided it needed back in the spotlight so she threw her name in the hat and is doing quite well.....partly because voters are stupid.

To bring all of this back to the lieutenant of the things Smith has campaigned on is to have a provincial law which would guarantee Alberta's sovereignty by ignoring federal laws that would go against Alberta's interests. There's a long history of Alberta being fucked over by the federal government, in particular Liberal governments like the ones run by Justin Trudeau or his father Pierre Trudeau (that's a whole other story I could rant about) and Smith has told the rubes that if she's premier of Alberta she'll protect us by not allowing federal laws for firearms, the oil & gas industry, etc....all things that are quite emotional topics for many Albertans. The lieutenant governor has quite reasonably said she wouldn't give that law royal assent because Smith's law would be unconstitutional. While I might agree with some of what Smith proposed she does seem to have lost the concept of the hierarchy of laws. Like most of the world there are local bylaws which are superseded by provincial laws which are superseded by federal laws which are superseded by constitutional law. So Smith can promise whatever she likes but the reality is that her provincial law wouldn't be able to be enforced if there's a federal law that contravenes it. That she's getting support from a bunch of rubes who don't seem to understand that is driving me crazy. I wouldn't much care but she has a very real chance to win.

Hope that made at least a little sense.
I never read that. But we all knew that already didn't we? 'mon Canada!!!!

Bill Murray

Forum Veteran
I never read that. But we all knew that already didn't we? 'mon Canada!!!!
Short version, the queen's king's (its going to take a while to get used to the change) ceremonial lacky in Alberta threatened to actually do something useful to prevent an egomaniac politician from looking like a horse's arse.

And this was the previous GG, Julie Payette. A fucking lunatic who never should have been given the job but our prime minister is a virtue signally douchebag. She's got the crazy eyes...


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Splendid Fellow
Pretty much. Which is why I'm in favor of ditching democracy and going back to some sort of dictatorship. I figure I've got enough skills I'd be able to make myself useful to whoever's in charge.
You want to live your life with someone telling you what do to? PM me now for life skillz and little oullay$

Bill Murray

Forum Veteran
You want to live your life with someone telling you what do to? PM me now for life skillz and little oullay$
Doesn't the government do that now?

I figure with a dictator I'd be somewhere mid-upper level of the regime.....high enough that I can still have fun with the purges, book burnings, etc. but not high enough to be caught up in the eventual war crimes trials. At that goldilocks level where I can pull the trigger but blame it on "I was just following orders".


Splendid Fellow
With many things yes. I don't believe the average voter has any real purchase with any level of government.
It would be that plus 100 with a dictator.

Winston was once quoted as democracy being the worst form of government, apart from everything else.

Something else..would surely be great.

Bill Murray

Forum Veteran
lol. I think he was the best ordinary man with great quotes.
I don't know. I've read The Last Lion: Winston Spencer Churchill volumes 1 & 3 and I think he was genuinely gifted at governing. He knew how to lead through very difficult times, build consensus, knew how to play the long game.

I'd take him over any current leader.


Splendid Fellow
I don't know. I've read The Last Lion: Winston Spencer Churchill volumes 1 & 3 and I think he was genuinely gifted at governing. He knew how to lead through very difficult times, build consensus, knew how to play the long game.

I'd take him over any current leader.
Me too. But I think he was a man of his time. In this time he would dissolve before he was recognised as a great voice and no doubt rightfully so. His time was then, but this is now.



thatā€™s so sweet! That old man just wants to completely break down. Itā€™s sad all the hassle he had to go through for going to speed limit any other day but missed the 20 mph during school zone at certain times of the day. Sweet old man right there! Whoā€™s going to take care of his son when heā€™s gone. His siblings? Doubt it!
I don't know;He may hv filled His Piss Bag,And His "šŸ‘balls" were floating in it! But your probably correct!