fights Not Enough Big Macs To Go Around (2 Viewers)

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"I'm afraid you're in a 'gotsta go situation'!"
I remember when the second one happened over a decade ago in West Greenwich Village, N.Y.C. Go behind the counter, that's your ass! This was over the two ahem, ladies, Denise Darbeau and Rachel Edwards, trying to use a suspect $50 bill at a McDonald's. The employee, named Rayon McIntosh, beat them up so hard with the metal fryer basket handle, they lost what few I.Q. points they had and were sentenced to the Short Short Bus. He was cleared of all charges by the grand jury but lost his McJob and the two ahem, women that got the beatdowns were indicted. I don't think the one that got the worst of the two beatings was able to understand very much after those multiple blows to the head.
"You want fries with that McAssWhoopin'?" I'm lovin' it! :lulz:
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First video: I about fucking lost it when that dark haired fatty fell!! 🤣

Second video: Nice assault and battery video evidence.