accident Pay Attention (1 Viewer)

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Well Known Member
A Polish driver wiped out a mother and her 3 kids here in the UK by doing the same thing, he did not notice the traffic backed up and ploughed in to the cars. He got 10 years which I think is not enough.


Forum Veteran
Texting whilst driving black...

Sweet Jesus Christ.
Wiggins, in December I was on a two lane road turning left into a parking lot. To my surprise, a female Basketball American had decided to illegally pass me on the left so our vehicles collided as I did not expect a vehicle to be to the left of me. I called police, female Basket Ball American told cops she tried to pass me illegally. She was cited. It all went in the police crash report.

Yesterday, I get a call from my auto insurance company informing me that the female Basket Ball American had filed an auto claim against me, saying I was at fault! So, as the police report stated, she admitted fault, and STILL tried to file an insurance claim against me.

I'm one smart son of a bitch. I had photos, I have police report, I have my state statute on insurance fraud. Tomorrow, I will report her to the Insurance Commission fraud division for investigation of FELONY insurance fraud. AND I'm letting her insurance company know they are providing insurance services to someone soon to be under investigation for insurance fraud.

You might be black, you might think you are smart, you might think you can get one over on the white man. But you might be messing with one goddamned smart son of a bitch who will put your ass in prison.