bizarre Religious Idiots Making A Scene In Restaurant (2 Viewers)

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Flatus Tube

I have counted to infinity, twice.
Around 0:05, this lady farts and tries to waft it away making it look like it was part of the ‘worship’. She ain’t fooling me though. I know she cracked an egg up in that place 😂.



...God's favorite troll...
...I wish these groups of crazy faith who feel it necessary to disturb other people in a public establishment would go overseas and meet the local radicals...

...Idiots like this give white people and Christians a bad name by driving potential followers away with ridiculously bizarre behavior...

...I feel sorry for the staff and the children subjected to this with no escape... *Don't confuse Christianity with Insanity...


...God's favorite troll...
There's a time and a place, but this ain't it.
...Damn right!!!

...Kinda like when you feel a shit coming on, you get to a toilet... You feel the Lord upon you, get to church...

...As far as social skills, this is the equivalent of shittin on the floor...


Forum Veteran
I grew up in this faith tradition. And I get that religion “spills out” from the private to the public (as all faith religious or secular does) but I do think this is inappropriate because well, what is this supposed to prove? There’s quite a difference when faith affects the way you do business, ie., a muzzie who owns a store but doesn’t want to sell food that isn’t halal nor should they be forced to. Or some Jew who owns a store not wanting to sell pork. But this is a “worship” or church service and I would rather eat my meal in fuck’n peace.