Saudi prince begs America to reject trump (1 Viewer)

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Saudi Arabia is the scourge of the earth pretty much. Every time I hear ...someone... complaining about Iran, Syria or Lebanon but not mentioning anything about the real people that fund terrorism, aka the Gulf states like Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the U.A.E., Bahrain, etc. it makes me sick.

We'd have a fine relationship with the Middle East if Iran, Syria and Lebanon were running things over there instead of what is happening now.

See this is why people here laugh when Hillary gets up at the UN and yells at China for Human rights abuses. When she's president she'll go shake hands with that great sand ally saudi arabia who just flogged some poor cunt half to death for writing bad poetry on Why don't you go read the saudi cables here The Saudi Cables it has a great description of how their hand fits up Obama's asshole and manipulates his speech while they drink a glass of water. I don't consider Iran a threat to the planet. Your sunni allies are tho.

What are they going to do? Withhold your black gold?
Nosy meddling fucking Arabs.

The Saudi KANG disapproves of your arguments, and invites you all kaffirs to his home country to have a meeting with Miss Scimitar, head representative of the UN human rights comittee.


Jokes aside, there is some talk about the Sauds (Saudi royal family) themselves being at least part jewish in their roots.
The Dönmeh Jews: House of Saud Connections! Zionist Control Over Saudi Arabia! (Part 2)


The Saudi KANG disapproves of your arguments, and invites you all kaffirs to his home country to have a meeting with Miss Scimitar, head representative of the UN human rights comittee.


Jokes aside, there is some talk about the Sauds (Saudi royal family) themselves being at least part jewish in their roots.
The Dönmeh Jews: House of Saud Connections! Zionist Control Over Saudi Arabia! (Part 2)

I wouldn't doubt if the House of Saud had some Sephardi Jewish blood mixed in there.. they sure seem to cuddle up with Israel enough.. which is funny, seeing as how the main Jewish group tricked Sephardi Jewish childred into getting massive doses of radiation from x-ray machines with the hopes of sterilizing them.. (I don't know how much truth there is to that, but it is still interesting). But if you look at pictures of the Saud family next to pictures of Sephardi Jewish people, there are very close similarities. Much more than if you compared the regular Saudi population to the same pictures.


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[QUOTE = "DOA, post: 907558, członek: 1"] Saudyjski książę błaga Amerykę, by odrzucił Trumpa - Breitbart


Ahmadiyya jest prześladowaną gałęzią islamu w Arabii Saudyjskiej. Chociaż jest wielu zagranicznych robotników i saudyjskich obywateli należących do sekty Ahmadiyya w Arabii Saudyjskiej, Ahmadi są oficjalnie pozbawieni możliwości wjazdu do kraju i odbycia pielgrzymki do Mekki. Doprowadziło to do krytyki ze strony wielu organizacji praw człowieka.

W maju 2012 r. Władze saudyjskie aresztowały dwóch saudyjskich obywateli z powodu nawrócenia na sektę Ahmadiyya. Arabscy urzędnicy zachęcali ich do porzucenia swoich wierzeń, a trzy miesiące później zostali zatrzymani. Od tamtej pory nie zostały wydane.

Ahmadiyya w Arabii Saudyjskiej - Wikipedia, darmowa encyklopedia [/ QUOTE]